chapter 12

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author's note: okay this chapter is super long so sorry about that lol but this episode is such an important one in the show and it serves as a kind of a turning point in the dynamic between lucy, kendall, and roman. also, there's some rome and lucy angst in this chapter for everyone who's team roman

Kendall woke Lucy the next morning with his nervous pacing around the room as he got ready.

"Mm what time is it?," Lucy asked, rolling over to grab her phone off the nightstand.

"It's still early but hey...I need your help with something today."

"Sure, anything," Lucy said, scrolling through her notifications.

"I need you to be my assistant for just one more day."

"Is this like...some kind of sex fantasy?," Lucy joked.

Kendall chuckled, grabbing his suit from the closet. "No, no. Stewy and I are...we're working on something big and I could really use your help."

Lucy sat up in bed. "Yeah? What's up?"

Kendall cleared his throat and sat down on the side of the bed. "Well we're uh...we're staging a takeover. We're giving my dad a bear hug."

"Oh my God," Lucy replied. "Today?"

"Yeah, today."

"'s your sister's wedding day."

"Sandy and Stewy said it has to be today."

Lucy sighed and shook her head. "I mean...I knew you were working with Stewy on something, but holy shit. I mean...this is big."

"It's what needs to be done," Kendall assured her.

"Okay, I'll get ready and we can go find Stewy."

Kendall nodded appreciatively. "Thank you," he said, placing a kiss on her cheek.


When Kendall and Lucy arrived at the room that Stewy and Ken were using to conspire, Stewy was reading carefully, his eyebrows furrowed and a pen in his hand.

"Hey," Kendall said to get his attention. 

Stewy looked up him. "Hey...what's with the girlfriend? This is like...really serious shit bro."

"Good morning to you too Stewy," Lucy said sarcastically, sitting down in one of the large plush chairs and opening her laptop.

"Bro, she's here to help. We need an assistant to like...look shit over," Kendall told his longtime friend, grabbing the paper from Stewy's hand. "So this is it?"

"Uh huh, I just added that we're not subject to any financing conditions," Stewy informed him.

"Okay, yeah. Lucy, print three of these."

Lucy nodded, trying to connect her computer to the wifi and corresponding printer. She grew irritated as her repeated attempts failed and began pressing buttons more aggressively as the men argued over who would deliver the letter to Logan.

"What's going on over there? Are we ready or not Lucy?," Kendall asked impatiently.

" should be printing but...oh shit."

"What?," Kendall asked, his nerves increasing.

"I uh...I think I might've sent it to a different printer on the same wifi network," Lucy said.

"Are you fucking serious?," Stewy asked angrily. 

"Where is it Lucy?," Kendall asked, struggling not to raise his voice. 

an assistant's dilemma: a kendall roy & roman roy love triangleWhere stories live. Discover now