chapter 20

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Lucy awoke Wednesday morning to a text from Roman. She was surprised. He seemed like the type of person who woke up just minutes before having to leave for work.

"The opening night of Willa's play is tonight (barf). I would rather gouge my eyes out than go, but Con really wants everybody there. Wanna join me?"

Lucy smiled and went to type a response, but she realized she didn't know what to say. Was he asking her on a date? Surely not, though she wasn't sure she would mind if he was. Lucy was still very much mourning the end of her first serious relationship since college, but she enjoyed Roman's company, and she had no better Friday night plans.

"ugh that sounds miserable. pick me up at 6:00," she responded.


Roman and Lucy were able to slip into the small, off Broadway theater without being noticed by Kendall. Yet, at the reception, there was no avoiding him. He was standing alone, sipping champagne and anxiously scanning the room for someone to talk to. When he spotted Lucy, laughing with Roman, a hand on his shoulder, he approached her.

"Oh uh...hey," he greeted her with a humorless chuckle.

Lucy's hand slid down Roman's arm before landing at her side. "Kendall, hey. That was uh...quite the play huh?"

Roman cleared his throat with a slight smirk, appreciating that he was the reason for this awkward encounter.

"Uh yeah...yeah," Kendall said, finishing off his champagne and disregarding the glass so he could put his hands in his pockets. "I didn't know you were coming."

"Oh, yeah...Roman invited me," Lucy replied with an awkward smile.

"Of course," Ken chuckled again. "So this is...what? Are you two on a date?"

"It's not like you could do anything about it if we were," Roman replied.

"Yeah, right dude...whatever but like...are you?"

Lucy wasn't sure what to say. Roman roped an arm around her waist. "Maybe, maybe not," he told his older brother.

Lucy met Kendall's eyes, and her look was apologetic, though she knew it shouldn't be. He was still seeing Naomi. He was moving on; she should get to too. Kendall frowned and nodded slowly, trying to think of a comeback that just wasn't coming to him. He walked off without another word, going to find the attractive lead actress from Willa's play.

"So, is this a date?," Lucy asked once Kendall was out of earshot.

Roman shrugged, his arm still around her waist. "I don't know, is it?"

Lucy pushed him lightly. "Fuck off, you can't do that. You invited me here. So is this a date or what?"

"Sure yeah, if you want it to be."

She laughed. "'If I want it to be'? C'mon dude, do YOU want it to be?"

"Uh...yeah, yeah that would be nice."

Her smile didn't falter. "Okay."

"And if you happen to enjoy this 'date,'" he said with air quotes and an unnaturally high-pitched giggle, "then maybe you would uh...want to join me in Dundee this weekend?"

Lucy finished off her glass of champagne and grabbed a new one from the waiter passing by. "I'm actually already going. I got out of coming to London but with the big banquet for your dad and everything, I couldn't find a way to get out of this one."

"Oh well that makes this all that more convenient. If you're already gonna be there would you...wanna just like...go with me?," Roman asked nervously, pacing in front of Lucy.

an assistant's dilemma: a kendall roy & roman roy love triangleWhere stories live. Discover now