chapter 5

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Roman knocked a rhythmic pattern on Kendall's office door on Monday morning. Ken was in a meeting, and he wanted to catch Lucy alone.

"Come in," Lucy called out, typing away on her laptop. She looked up at Roman as he entered, sitting down and crossing his legs on top of her desk.

"I heard you spent all weekend at Kendall's," he said with a smirk, his fingers tapping against each other mischievously.

Lucy closed her laptop. "You have a private investigator out on me?," she joked.

Roman shrugged. "Grace ran into Rava when they were dropping the kids at school."

"Don't the nannies do that for them?," Lucy asked.

Roman chuckled. "Sometimes they like to do it themselves so they feel like they're involved mothers."

"So your girlfriend is your private investigator?"

"She might not be my girlfriend much longer," Roman admitted, picking up a framed photo on Lucy's desk to investigate it. "She's driving me crazy."

"Should you be telling me this?," Lucy asked, grabbing the picture of her and her siblings back from him, their fingers brushing as she did so.

"Eh whatever, but you're distracting me from why I came here. Is it true? You spent the weekend at Kendall's?"

Lucy blushed, avoiding Roman's curious gaze. "Uh yeah...I left my purse with my keys in it at the RECNYs so I stayed at his Friday night."

"And Saturday night?," Roman asked, giggling to himself.

"Yes Roman, and Saturday night."

"I told you he would want you to fuck him for going to the RECNYs with him."

"It wasn't like that," Lucy told him firmly.

"Well did you fuck him?"

"Not that it's any of your business, but no, I didn't."

"Wow, self restraint, impressive," he responded with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"Shut up."

"You know sleeping with him is like...the worst idea ever right?"

"Yeah I mean, he's my boss," she replied, vocalizing the internal conflict she had been having.

"Not even that. He's just...he's Ken. Let's just say there's a reason he's divorced."

"I don't think it's really your place to be talking to me about this."

Roman shrugged and stood up. "Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you."


Kendall and Lucy went out to dinner that night at a pop-up in the city with a world famous chef. It was the sort of place where the menu had no prices, because everyone dining there was in a tax bracket that prevented them from being concerned with what things cost. Just like on Friday night, Kendall's driver picked Lucy up from her apartment, but Ken didn't go meet her at her door. He realized, in debating whether he should go upstairs and get her, that he wasn't even sure which apartment was hers. He felt embarrassed for making her walk down alone, and made sure to give her his full attention when she entered the car.

"Hey," he greeted her, placing a kiss on her cheek as she slid across the limo bench to sit next to him. "You look nice."

Lucy had decided on a navy blue cocktail dress for the occasion, and her hair was pulled away from her face in a curled ponytail.

"Thank you," she said with a smile, squeezing his hand affectionately. "So do you."

He did look nice. He had traded in his usual black suit for a gray one, and he was wearing a watch Lucy hadn't seen before. Kendall rambled on throughout the car ride about the place where they were having dinner. It was the most exclusive pop up in the city, and he was quite proud of himself for securing them a table. Lucy had never heard of the chef, but she nodded along, excited by Ken's excitement. 

an assistant's dilemma: a kendall roy & roman roy love triangleWhere stories live. Discover now