chapter 18

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this chapter is ridiculously long, so i apologize in advance but there's lots of lucy + roman

Lucy didn't mention calling Roman when she saw him the next morning, so he didn't either. She was embarrassed at her drunken boldness at inviting him over, but was grateful to find he treated her the same when she went to hang out with him and hide out from Ken in his office.

That day, Lucy spent far more time in Roman's office than Kendall's. They ordered in lunch together and chatted as they half-assed their work. Kendall needed his assistant, but he didn't dare complain. He was still holding out some desperate hope that Lucy might forgive him.

The Roys and their essential employees left for Argestes the next morning. Kendall's driver came to pick up Lucy at her apartment after picking up Ken.

"Good morning," Kendall greeted Lucy with an anxious half-smile as she got in the car.

"Morning," she replied, not looking at him as she buckled her seatbelt.

"Want to stop for coffee? They'll uh...they'll have a pot of coffee on the jet but...I know you like yours iced so...," he was trying his hardest to sound kind and thoughtful, but it came out nervous and unsure.

"It's fine, I can drink it hot. I don't want to make us late."

"No, no it's uh...we won't be late. I had Fikret pick you up early in case you wanted to get coffee."

She couldn't help but smile at him, somewhat sympathetically. "Okay yeah, that would be nice. Thank you."

When Fikret parallel parked outside of one of Lucy's favorite coffee shops, she went to unbuckle, but Kendall put out a hand to stop her. "I got it."

" it's fine, you stay in the car. I'll run in."

"I got it," he repeated, unbuckling and opening his car door.

"Thank you Ken."

Kendall nodded and exited the car.

"He never knows when to give up huh?," Lucy asked Fikret when they were alone.

Fikret merely chuckled, agreeing with the sentiment but not willing to talk down on his boss.

When they boarded the jet, Lucy got settled in a seat and Kendall asked if he could sit next to her.

"No bro, actually, I'm sitting there," Roman replied, emerging from the back with a cup of coffee.

"Well you can move," Kendall said firmly.

"Uh no. Early bird gets the worm. You can sit with Karl, right Karl?"

"Sure," Karl replied dryly, never entertained by Roman's antics.

"Dude, just...move please."

"No. Lucy doesn't want to sit with you anyways."

Kendall opened his mouth like he was going to fire something back, but the words didn't come, so he sighed and nodded in defeat, walking off to sit with Karl.

"C' don't have to be shitty to him," Lucy told Roman.

"Oh so you wanted to sit with him?," Roman asked.

" but..."

"So you're welcome."

"Sure, thanks I guess. Want to watch a movie?"

"Yeah alright, but I'm picking."

American Psycho was just wrapping up when they arrived at the conference, but unfortunately, every billionaire was also arriving at the exact same time, meaning the jet had to circle as it waited to land. They had been circling for over twenty minutes when Gerri went to speak to the pilot.

an assistant's dilemma: a kendall roy & roman roy love triangleWhere stories live. Discover now