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my propeller // arctic monkeys


"Thanks, Bill." I smile as I step out the vehicle.

"You're welcome, Love. Cade will be picking you up at five to take you home in the morning." He explains.

After a short spell of rain this afternoon, the breeze is beautiful. It's surprisingly warm, and carries the scent of blooming flowers. The soft glow of the setting sun paints the sky in hues of warm pastels, casting a peaceful atmosphere. I've spent the afternoon doing some shopping, determined to fill my wardrobe with classier clothing.

"Good Evening, Miss Xander." The guard on the door greets me with a smile, opening the door. Again, the same bloke from earlier, walks me up to the club. As I arrive, it's just Ezra behind the bar wiping down the sides, and him alone.

"Sax! You're early."

"Only by twenty minutes. I call it being eager." I chuckle, walking through to the back where Ezra had shown me earlier today. I hang my jacket and bag up and walk back out, and behind the bar. "You mentioned there was a gathering tonight?"

"I did. We're holding a small party for 60 guests." He nods, throwing me a polishing cloth. "Get yourself up that ladder, Love. The bottles along the top need dusting."

I eye the bottles he's referring to. "The flavoured gins? Not big flavoured gin drinkers here?"

"It tends to be mainly men who come in here, and most women who do request plain gin, cocktails or vodka." He explains, tapping the till, I assume to set it up for the night.

I do as he says, and by the time I've finished, people have begun to enter the bar. I jump down from the ladder and smile at the first people at the bar. "Hey, what can I get ya?"

"A pint of Moretti, and a gin and tonic please." The gentleman states, pulling his wallet out.

I cannot help but notice the huge wad of cash in his wallet, but force my eyes away. What did I expect? It's a high-end club. Of course rich people are going to be here. I serve him quickly, and then move on to the next.

"Pornstar Martini, please." A lady smiles.

I give her a nod and within minutes, her drink is sat at the bar and I'm ready to cash her up.

After the sudden spell of people arriving, it does die down a little, however the club is little from quiet. The lively hum of conversation and laughter blends with the rhythmic clinking of glasses. The music is pulsating in the background, however not too loud that patrons cannot speak amongst each other. It's something like I've never seen before. I eye over at the tables for any empty glasses whilst Ezra skilfully shakes and stirs cocktails down the bar. As I look over at one table, I notice as one gentleman pulls a large bundle of fifty pound notes, and slides it across the table to someone opposite him. My eyes widen and I look over at Ezra who'd noticed it too. He shakes his head at me, telling me to ignore it to which I swiftly nod and turn to face the gentleman in front of me. "Hi, what you having?"

"Just a whiskey please." He responds. It's clear of the reactions of people around him that he must be someone of note. His strikingly warm brown eyes stare into mine as if he's reading me.

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