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"Jungkook asked me to marry him and I said yes"

In this moment, i felt that my heart like a shattered mirror, reflecting the feelings I had for him, now scattered and unreachable.

The words would ring in my ears, a cruel symphony of unrequited love. I'd feel a profound sadness, mixed with a sense of loss and betrayal.

My mind would race, questioning every moment, every interaction we had. But, amidst all the turmoil, I'd also feel a strange sense of clarity

I looked at him his head was down

"What did you say?" I asked

"We are going to get married soon"

As I heard the news, my heart sank. It was as if the air had been sucked out of the room, leaving me gasping for breath. I had always known, deep down, that he might move on, but the reality of it was far more painful than I had ever imagined.

I'd feel a lump forming in my throat, my heart pounding in my chest.

"Oh, that's... that's great news,"

I'd manage to say, forcing a smile onto my face. But inside, my heart would be screaming, aching with the pain of unspoken words and unfulfilled dreams.

I loved him, truly and deeply. And I knew he loved me too. We had shared countless moments, whispers in the night, laughter in the day. Our connection was undeniable, a force that seemed to defy logic. But life, it seemed, had other plans.

The news of his engagement hit me like a freight train. I felt a deep, gut-wrenching pain, a sense of loss that was almost unbearable. It was as though a part of me had been ripped away, leaving a gaping hole in its wake.

So, I would look at him, with a smile on my face and tears in my eyes, and say,

"Congratulations, I'm really happy for you."

But inside, my heart would be breaking. Because I knew that he was the one that got away. And I would always love him, even if he was marrying someone else and that person is my sister

He didn't glance my way, not even a fleeting moment of eye contact. Yet, with his voice cracking, he said...

"Thank you"

while looking down

I felt a profound sense of sadness, a sorrow that seemed to permeate every fiber of me being. I grieved not only for the loss of him, but also for the loss of the future we could may have had together.

I looked over and went to get a drink, I drink all of it

"What happened to this place?" Isabelle asked


"That looks horrible Jungkook omg Aria are you okay?"

I nodded

I stand next to a small sofa, sipping my drink and watching them. Seeing my sister so happy only deepened my pain.

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