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I blast music in my headphones as I start to listen the beat, I start to dance enjoying my self as I laugh looking at my self in the mirror. I loved to dance I have always been a dancer but I quit after I got raped but I'm starting to get back into it I might go to the dance to team I don't know.  As I dance I look at the mirror seeing bill standing there on the door frame watching me. I sigh taking my headphones off crossing  my arms as our eyes met. "Still a dancer I see" he said smirking, "get out" I said pointing at him, "still wanna give me attitude? Or should I fill up your mouth with chilli flakes?" He said as he clenched his jaw making me scared. "Just get out" I said looking into the ground. "Get ready we are going to the beach" he said walking off. "I'm not going" I groan making him stop walking turning face to face to me. "It wasn't an offer it's an order" he scoffs, "am I your dog?!" I said loosing my shit. "If you put it like that then yes and also I still have those pictures of you" he smirks making my heart drop. He still has my ugly pictures? He is gonna blackmail me now. GREAT! "Come on princess get ready" he said pushing my forehead with his index finger making me groan. "Fucking bill" I mutter to my self as I slam my door walking into the closet taking out a towel, sunscreen,sunglasses, towels and a bikini also with some sliders.

I decided to take  this, I get it on as I look at my self in the mirror admiring my self, i walk back to my closet placing some shorts  and a shirt over it so I don't have to wear it in the ride because that would be weird. I put my sunglasses, taking my handbag with everything inside it making my way out.  I walk down the stairs as I hear laughter of the boys making me smile to my self. "Hey" Tom said hugging me as I hugged him back, bill just looked at me with no emotion while George and Gustav smiled at me so I sent them one back. "You guys ready?" Gustav asked, we all nod making our way out of the house. I don't wanna go with them but bill is blackmailing. The pictures he has of me are when I was younger and I was ugly,bill will probably show the whole school and Poeple know me their since I used to go their so that will make my High school life miserable.

At the beach

We made it to the beach, I place down my towel on the sand as I take off my shorts and shirt feeling eyes burning on to my body, I turn to see the boys staring expect of Gustav because he was checking out other girls and also that would be weird  because he is my cousin. "What?" I asked rolling my eyes, "your hot" Tom said as bill smacked the back of his head while death staring me. I ignored it running into the water swimming deep down as I see little fish swimming making me smile and feel happy, sometimes I wanna be fish...

I walk out of the water rubbing the water out of my eyes, as I walk I felt someone tap my shoulder I turn to see a guy probably my age, he has a dark chocolate skin along with dimples and brown eyes. "Hey you're sexy can I have your number?" He said winking at me making me already feel uncomfortable.  Suddenly the guy dropped on the floor with blood on his mouth, I turn to see bill out of breath with his right hand fits covered in his blood. "Bill" I said as I was shook. "Not a word" he said grabbing my hand as I try to get to walk as fast as him, he yanked me  on my towel making me fall on my butt, i look at him in fear. "Why are you here! Why did you have to come back !" He screamed at me as I burst out crying. I'm never good with Poeple screaming in my face I just always end up crying. "Why are you like this bill" I said getting up walking up to my bag taking out an extra towel wrapping my self in it sitting back down. "Because you betrayed me!" He said kicking the sand making it scatter everywhere.  "I didn't bill!" I said loosing my shit, "well the picture said otherwise" he said walking away before I could say something but I'm glad he did because the argument would go worser.

"Hey what happened?" George asked sitting next to me with 2 ice creams, he passed me the strawberry one. "You remember my favourite flavour" I said smiling at him, "you was my best friend of course I do" he smiles, "you still are my best friend George" I smile kissing his cheek.

"Guys we got to go!" Tom said packing our stuff, "hold on  why?" I asked confused suddenly bill yanked me off the floor as I threw my ice cream on the sand, Tom took my bag for me as we all was running back to Gustav car, "what is going on?!" I asked bill, "he called the cops on me!" He said taking about the guy he punched like minutes ago. We got in the car out of breath as the cops cars drive past us. "Why would you punch him!" Tom said angry, bill looked at me as his face  softens. "He gave me a dirty look" he said lying to Tom as I gave him a stare. "REALLY!" George said making all of us flinch since he never really gets angry. "Let's go home I'm tired" I said looking out of the window as Gustav starts to car.

𝐔𝐥𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 - ☆ 𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐥 kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now