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I stand in front of the school I had once woke up to everyday, and have feared everyday, everyone has their own fears they say but I don't believe that, fear is just something you need courage for to face and everyone has that inside of them but they are just afraid of the things it will create, it can create something beautiful but also it can create a ugly mess, god I need courage right now I thought to my self as I take a deep breath in while I watch Poeple walk into the building, it like I'm re-living my night mare again, the bruises I would have every time I would come home after school or the new insecurities i had every day from the comments my class mates once said, all of this I'm gonna have to go though all over again but I feel stronger and braver, "it's time" I said to my self walking into the school building as the smell of the school enters my nose, even the smell hasn't changed, nothing at all it's like this school was made for a mess to ruin innocent children who just want to get on with life. I walk through the halls knowing where I'm going making my way to the office for the paper that has all of my new lessons in, I knock the on the door waiting patiently for the headteacher to answer. I heard the door open revealing the same teacher I had always come to cry to and ask for help but she never did any of that, because she doesn't care she just cares about her pay check, because it's always about the money and not humanity. "Well well well miss me?" She said smirking showing off her new pearl whites, seems like she got new teeth done I'm sure they pay her a higher pay check now..."no" I said with no emotion showing her I don't like her and I hate her and that she is a disgusting human who doesn't even deserve to be a human, god all of the kids she could of saved and cause of her they aren't on this earth anymore letting the bullies ruin more innocent lives, she likes it, she gets pleasure and money, how can someone be so disgusting? So manny beautiful souls died because of her, "here" she said handing me the sheet, I snatched it off her walking away.

I already feel miserable standing here, feeling that same pain wash over me making me want to throw up, I check my lessons seeing I got art first, I don't mind it so I make my way knowing this whole school by heart since I was always chased in the school by the bullies who enjoyed seeing me and the guys in pain. I make it to art,  finally a new teacher and not the old Pervy man who would send notes to underage girls because he likes tight holes, he sent me one once, so I then never came back their always skipping it just for my own sake. "Hello never saw you here" said the lady with a sweet smile, it's crazy how a smile from a person can tell you so much about them, a smile can send so manny different messages but the best one is the heart warming one making you already trust this person and this teacher genuinely seems sweet and heart warming, "I'm Mara" I smile as I see bill from the corner of my eye, "sit down here" she said pointing a seat next to bill, I nodded sitting next to him acting like he isn't right beside me, bill is my past and I'm leaving him their forever I can't make the same mistake. The teacher start to teach us about art, saying to draw something we love so I decided to draw my friend group back in Spain, Ryan,flora,Hermes, Adonis and of course Leo. "Who is that?" Bill asked, "my best friends" I smile as I look at the picture, suddenly bill threw paint all over it making the whole sketch ruined, I felt like crying, I put so much time in it, bill became a bully , we always used to promise each other to not be like those monsters in our school but it seems like bill is one of them, "your really crying over a drawing ?" He scoffs as I wipe away my tear,
"your a bully bill, your just like them! You disgust me" I said taking my bag running out of the class.

Time skip

I sit in the grass flied outside of school, me bill and the rest used to always come here after we got chased or beaten up, it was our spot but it seems like they are doing fine now, probably because they are the school bullies now, I never expected it from them to be like that, all I can just think about it one question.

When they bully someone don't they just see them self in them? At how person begs for them to stop beating the crap out of them. I couldn't believe what blue told me in the toilets.

Flash back toilets 45 mins ago

I cry walking into the bathroom spotting blue fixing up her make up, she was my class mate and she had a best friend called maya but she died because the bullying got so bad. "Hey" blue said hugging me, blue is so nice and she is actually a good friend she always helped me fix up my make up after crying. "Hey" I smile, "what's wrong?" She said looking concerned, "bill" I said shrugging as she gasped, "Mara stay away from them they are the new school bullies and way worser" she said making my heart dropped, even Gustav? No way he is too nice for that.."even Gustav?" I asked, she nodded making my heart drop once again. "It's nice to see you again" she said hugging me walking out.

End of flash back

I sigh getting up making my way back home since there is nothing to really do.

(Hey I'm gonna write the next chapter soon x bye pookies!"

𝐔𝐥𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 - ☆ 𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐥 kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now