On the run

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"Wake up!" I heard Leon walk in the room as me and bill was asleep. "What's going on?" Bill says as we both wake up. "The boys can't find the kill book and the police are here soon" Leon says now making my heart drop. Ryan couldn't could he? Take the kill book? "Fuck!" Bill groans as we both get up putting socks on and shoes. "Where is the kill book? We are so fucked!" Bill says now stressing out as Leon walks out to give him some time.

I stand there debating if I should tell him or not? But that puts my best friend in danger. "Mara what is it?" Bill said now realising the look on my face. "Bill promise me you won't kill him if I tell you" I break down now. "Mara I promise now tell me" he hugs me.

"I think Ryan might have it, he texted me saying he saw the kill book but I'm not too sure if he has it bill" I cry as he kisses me. "It's okay baby we will go get it from him and then leave we won't kill him" he now hugs me.

"Guys come on! The cops!" Tom walks in yelling, "Mara take the money while I take our Coats!" Bill yells as he runs into his walk in closet as we hear rain outside. I run to bills drawer seeing stacks of money and 2 guns, I take the backpack under his bed throwing it all there.

"You ready?" Bill says putting his coat on as he passes me mine, I nod quickly putting my coat on as bill puts on the backpack. "Come on" Gustav said walking in as we follow him going through the back door as 6 police cars park in-front of bills and toms house.

"Rachel keys!" Tom yells as we wait for the car to be opened, it's toms car but he never used it since it made him look broke. "Here" she throws him the keys, he unlocks the car as we all run in Drenched in rain. "Come on start baby girl I'm sorry I didn't mean it when I said you're ugly" Tom said as he starts it. "Yes!" He said as he starts to drive.

"Does anyone have a phone?" Leon asks now, "yeh here" I said passing him it as bill looks suspicious at Leon. "I can get us a private jet to Miami" Leon says while he dials a number.

"Bill what about Ryan and the kill book?" I whisper to him, "I will talk to Leon after the call" he kisses me making me blush.

"Mhm ok thank you" Leon said switching the phone call off. "We can't go to Miami we have to go Spain first" bill says now.

"Why?" Leon said confused, "because Ryan might have the kill book"

"Bill-" Tom says now but bill cuts him off, "I'm not killing him" bill says but they all look at him like they don't believe him, "I'm not!" He groans now. "I bet 100" Gustav said to Gorge now, "deal" he laughs as bill rolls his eyes. "Nah I bet on Mara I feel she will kill him" Tom said making me frown my eye brows.

"Tom" bill said now, "ok I'm sorry Mara" Tom said giving me a cute smile. "Where to now?" I said changing the subject. "Let's book an hotel and get more sleep since the jet is coming at 1" Leon nods.

"What about Spain?" I tilt my head, "bill got any ideas since your the leader?" Leon sighs now. "Me and Mara go to Spain while You rest look for the gold" bill shrugs his shoulders. "That could work but you guys have to drop us off to Spain" i nod.

"We got a plan then"Leon nods.

( do you guys like this book? Let me know in the comments also thank you for reading this story 😊❤️)

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