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"Wake up" I groan pushing the boys to wake up, it's hard being in a group with boys sometimes! "Fine" Leon sighs getting up. "Wake them up please" I smile getting off the bed walking into the bathroom, taking the toothbrush they give you along with toothpaste. I start to brush my teeth and then I spit it out then wash my mouth with water. As I was leaving the boys came in, I kiss bill's cheek before walking out letting them brush their teeth.

I sit in the bed thinking about food, gosh I'm so hungry! "Hey" Tom said sitting next to me, "hi" I smile. "We are going back to Germany today" he sighs. "Yup I have a bad feeling about Germany to be honest" I shrug my shoulders.

"It's time to go" Leon walks out with the boys, me and Tom look at each other before getting up walking out with the rest. "I'm hungry" George groans, "let's go here" Leon said pointing at a shop, with no customers at all, it seems like the shop isn't working out so well, "we don't have money Leon" I said confused. "Who said we need money" he smirks walking in. We all look at each other confused before we follow Leon. As we walk in, tell me why Leon is pointing a gun at a girl around my age. She doesn't even look bothered at all. "Listen you skank! Shoot me I don't care" she groans, she has brown short curly hair, brown eyes and tan skin she is very pretty. "Leon stop" I said taking the gun away from him as he groans. "Hi" I smile, "hey" she smiles back.

"Listen I know this is gonna be weird but could we get free food? We are starving" I smile, "yeh" she smiles back as Leon looks confused. "It's a girls thing" bill whispers in his ear as he nods.

"Take a seat and I will bring you guys some warm food" she smiles, "thank you so much" I smile sitting on the table as the boys look shook. "Come on sit" I roll my eyes.

"Here" she said serving us some warm chips, "so why do you guys look like shit?" She smiles sitting next to me, "I know" I laugh. "I love your dress" she smiles, "thank you" I smile taking a sip out of my coke.

"You didn't answer my question" she death stares Leon, "maybe because it has nothing to do with you" he said frowning his eyes browns as he eats, "come on! I will tell you guys a secret plus you guys are defo murders" she smiles. We all start to choke on our food. "Sorry?" Tom said taking a drink as he keeps coughing. "I killed my step father" she shrugs her shoulders. Me and bill make eye contact, and our faces say it all.

"Babe let me talk to you for a sec" bill said getting up yanking me off my chair taking me near the bathrooms. "How does she know" he said with his jaw dropped, "I don't know bill" I said mind blown.

"Let's go back" bill said as I nod. "So bill and Mara we was talking with Rachel" Tom said as Leon nods?

"Rachel?" I asked confused, "my name silly" she smiles, "she wants to help us get back to Germany" George said as Rachel nods. "How?" Bill asked with a confused face, I can tell he doesn't trust this girl at all and I'm starting to feel the same...

"I'm gonna pay for your trains tickets" she smiles, "we can take a train to Germany?" I asked so confused, "yeh" Leon nods.

"Let's go" Leon said standing up, "fine" I groan taking bill's hand in mine walking out of the shop.

At the train

"Thank you" I smile at Rachel, "shit the police!" She said pointing at them making me confused, "go in!" She pushed all of us in including her self which wasn't really the plan? "What's going on?" Gustav asked to Rachel as the train starts to drive, "remember when I killed my step father, it was a week ago and it wasn't only my step father it was my mum too and they have been after me ever since" she said breaking eye contact, we all look at each other not really knowing what to say but I know what I'm thinking. She needs to join us!

"Rachel we will have a group talk and we will let you know how we can help" Leon said as bill nods. We all go sit in the back of the train as Rachel waits. "She should join us guys" I smile brightly at the thought of a girl joining us. "She killed someone she is just like us" Gustav said as we all nod.

"I don't know" Leon sighs, "same" bill nods, "if I suspect anything about her we are killing her" bill said making all of us nod, "don't tell her about the gold yet" Leon said, "she is hot" Tom said making all of us sigh. Tom will never change will he? He is so random but it's cute. "Rachel" I said calling her over, "yes" she smiles brightly, "you can join us" I smile.

"Oh my god" she gasps, I smile hugging her, "Rachel we will ask you questions and you ask us so we get to know each other more" Gustav said.

"Okay" she nods, "how old are you?" Tom asks, "17 what about you guys?" She asked, " we are all 16 except of Leon he is 19" I said as she nods, "why did you kill your mum and step father?" Leon asks, "they abused me, why do you guys kill?" She asks back.

"For the better" bill answers as she nods, "last name?" Gorge asks. "Rachel berry, how many Poeple have you killed so far?" She now questioned, "lost count" bill shrugs his shoulders making Tom laugh.

"I have something to confess" Rachel now laughs, "go on" I smile, "I didn't work in that shop I killed the owners" she laughs making all of us laugh.

"So how much Poeple did you kill so far?" I asked. "4" she nods, "why are you guys going to Germany?" She asks, "we live there" bill answers as Leon sighs in relief that non of us mentioned the gold.

"Bill I'm so tired" I yawn hugging him, "go to sleep baby" he kisses me, "ok" I said closing my eyes.

(Sorry for not updating in a long time ❤️ tell me if you still like this story 💕🥰)

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