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"So?" Flora asked as we sit in the sake park, "I told bill and then he cried and said sorry so we got then together" I shrugged my shoulders lighting up the spliff Adonis got for us. "So that's it?" Ryan asks raising a brow as he takes the spliff. "Yup" I nod.

"Does he make you happy and take care of you?" Adonis asks as Ryan nods, "very happy" I said breaking eye contact as I think about the parts where bill made me kill someone and when he told me he is gonna kill me if I tell anyone.

"As long as you happy then I'm okay with you being with him" Ryan said hugging me. "Thank you guys" I said hugging all of them.


"Are you sure you're gonna be okay sleeping in the hotel?" I asked the group as they  dropped me home, it's dark now we have been hanging out all day and I had so much fun. "Yes now go bill is waiting for you" flora smirks at me, I hit her shoulder playfully, I then walked out of the car waving goodbye to them as they drive off.

I walk into the house being greeted by auntie and uncle saying hi to me, I did the same too and then I run up to my room, I walk in seeing bill watching a movie in the dark. I sigh taking the hoodie Hermes borrowed me because I was cold placing it on my desk. "Whose hoodie is that?" Bill asked as his jaw clenched, "Hermes" I said in confusion as I lay next to him, "I don't want you to wear anyone hoodie except mine" bill said kissing my head making me laugh. "Mhmm someone is jealous" I laugh making bill chuckle, "but seriously don't talk to guys or else I will kill them" he said in a serious tone and I knew bill was serious about it too.

"Okay" I mutter, "come on Tom and the rest are waiting for us, bill said getting up from the bed turning the tv off leaving us in the dark, "where" I whine, "our house" he said turning the light on, "bill I just home" I groan. "Stop acting like a kid"bill smirks. "I'm not going you can go" I shrug my shoulders. "Yes you are, we have a surprise for you, come on" bill said yanking me off the bed.

I sigh giving up making my way to the closest, "you're getting changed?" Bill asks, "yeh I have been in these clothes all day and I smell like weed" I sigh.

"You were smoking weed?!" Bill said sounding mad about it, "yes and?" I ask, why is he trying to be so controlling. "Don't give me attitude, you can smoke sometimes but just tell me so I know" he said hugging me making me feel butterflies, "fine" I said kissing him. He goes to put his shoes on as I take out some shorts and a hoodie along with  high-stars. "Your not wearing that" bill said looking at my ass, "let's go we don't have time remember" I said jumping out of the window, "fine but if Tom looks at your ass I'm gonna kill him" bill said jumping off the window, "are you serious?" I asked raising a brow, "no I would never kill my brother" bill said raising a brow. "Okay let's go"

𝐔𝐥𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 - ☆ 𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐥 kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now