16: Run Boy Run

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A/N: There's a problem when the theme song for this chapter is too good & keeps distracting me from writing the chapter


Track: Run Boy Run, Woodkid

"Put your hands in the air," shouts an officer to my left. Will and I are back-to-back, still holding hands, surrounded by police. I squeeze his hand before complying with the officer's demands and raising my hands above my head, my eyes laser-focused on the gun pointed at me.

"I know this looks bad, but we were not the ones who killed these security guards—there's a person on the floor just below this one, and they've been chasing us. They're trying to kill us, and if we don't all run right now, they're going to kill all of us," I plead, desperate.

Just as I say it, I hear the heavy boots in the hallway that Will and I have just arrived from. My whole body seizes with fear.

Without warning, blinding light shoots out from Wills hands in all directions, blinding all the guards—and also me. I hadn't gotten any warning this time, so I cry out and instinctively put a hand over my eyes even though it's too late now. Will grabs me immediately, and I trust him blindly—literally—to get me out of this place alive. He holds onto my wrist, and as I blink my eyes rapidly in a fruitless attempt to fix my vision, I use the rhythm of his pumping arms to gauge how fast I should be running to keep up.

"They're running," shouts an officer behind us, and the sound of a gunshot makes my entire body jolt.


No, no. I try to shove these memories out of my mind. This is a life or death situation, now is not the time!

I hear Will shove open a door, and then I feel the cold night air on my face. He's still clutching my arm. I'm starting to be able to make out vague shapes again, but I can't see any details at all.


Will shoves me to the ground, and he lands on top of me. As far as I can tell, the bullet must have missed us because he doesn't make any sounds like he's in pain. Instead, he just grabs me again and—



My body freezes, and I'm reliving that day in the toy store like it's happening right now. I'm listening to the little boy cry a few aisles over, and Bianca is holding onto Hazel tightly beside me, and then—


The boy's cries stop—


There's a bullet hole in Bianca's head, and she's lying face-down on the floor, a pool of blood forming around her—



Pain explodes in my leg, and I'm gasping. There's a voice yelling at me, but it sounds so far away, like they're underwater. They sound angry. Then I'm being lifted, and—


The little boy.




Me—my leg. I try to claw myself out of this terrible nightmare, but every time a gunshot rings, I fall back into the toy store, hiding behind stuffed animals as my sisters are killed and kidnapped. As clear as if I really am seven years old, I see Hazel's terrified expression as she struggles against the murderers. I watch as they knock her out.

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