29: Party Rock Is In The House Tonight!

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Track: Party Rock Anthem, LMFAO

Homecoming is set up in the high school gym.

I've never actually gone to homecoming before; I always stayed home because I never really had a date or stable friend group to go with. Part of that was my own fault—Luke and I used to be friends, but we grew apart because I began to isolate myself after so many years of losing hope that Hazel would ever be found. By the time we got to high school, we were civil and friendly, but we couldn't be considered best friends anymore. And then apparently the Viper got him, and our relationship withered and died after that.

The dance is a lot more colorful than I thought it would be. The theme is "Dancing With The Stars," except that they meant literal stars, not the television show. I think that was just a play on words.

They've taped yellow stars to the walls and covered the entranceway in black paper to make it look like the night sky. Through the doorway, I can see that the lights are off, but there are fairy lights sparkling everywhere in an attempt to imitate stars.

Lou and Cecil lead the way into the makeshift ballroom, and Cecil shoots us a smile over his shoulder. Lou Ellen looks pretty—she's got some sort of glittery eyeshadow over her eyelids, and her dress is a flowing light blue. She's leaning closer to Cecil, probably telling some sort of joke, and he turns away from us again to laugh at whatever she told him.

Will and I follow them in, and Will offers me his arm like I'm a Victorian woman who he's leading around a formal event. I can't help but smile at his attempt to be a gentleman, and I take his arm.

We do get a few looks, but they're mostly unconcerned glances at my eyeliner. I think people just aren't used to seeing me wearing makeup, so it's a slight surprise. Nothing to be concerned about though—and I'm keeping my eye out for the Stolls just in case.

Colorful lights dance around the room. I'm not sure they really add to the starry night aesthetic, but they do give the dance an upbeat, almost surreal feeling. When I look over at Will, his face is shining with a blue glow, and then it switches to green, and then red, and then purple as we walk through the flashing lights.

There's a small snack table. I tug on Will's arm lightly. "I want to see what food there is."

He laughs. "Alright—lead the way, then."

Determined to get free food, I lead him through throngs of people to head toward the table with the plastic black tablecloth near the back. There's a short line, but nothing ridiculous, so I pull Will into the line to wait with me.

"What's your favorite type of cookie?" Will asks as he peers at the several plates of cookies that line the table. "You strike me as a double dark chocolate kind of guy."

We move forward in the line as the colorful lights shine on half of Will's face like magic. "I do like dark chocolate," I admit. "If I had to guess, you would like lemon or strawberry cookies the best. Something a little tart and fruity."

"Is this a joke about me being fruity?" Will teases, feigning offense.

I roll my eyes at his antics. "It wasn't one, but now it is one. Do you like lemon and strawberry desserts or not? I bet you had a strawberry shortcake for at least one birthday."

He laughs. "Okay, I don't like a lot of lemon desserts because they use artificial lemon flavor instead of real lemons, but I do like strawberry desserts."

We finally make it to the front of the line, so I grab two plates and hand one to Will. "And the strawberry shortcake?"

He takes the plate and reaches for a sugarcookie. "Okay, yes, you caught me. I had a strawberry shortcake for my tenth birthday. My mom made it herself, so it was kind of a huge deal. We should try to bake together sometime—maybe we could recreate the glory of that shortcake."

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