24: All Good Devils

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Turn the Lights Off, Tally Hall

Nico takes me back to my house in the morning to pick up the materials I need for school. Every moment I spent in my house, I felt like I needed to be constantly checking over my shoulder. It was irrational—the Viper clearly hadn't returned because they would have killed my mother. They've told me they didn't want me involved with this for some reason; they didn't come to my house to kill me. They just wanted to steal my suit, making me powerless to fight anything they send Nico's way.

I keep my gloves safely in my backpack. I won't let them out of my sight anymore. They're the last piece of Sunburst that I have left; I have to be careful with them.

School is pretty boring. I walk Nico from class to class. Luke and Ethan are stalking him, and sometimes the Stolls try to corner him. I keep my phone camera ready to record just in case, but none of them ever attack him while I'm nearby. I'm even more careful than I normally am; now that Luke is actively trying to kidnap Nico, the level of threat has increased significantly.

It's lunch, and so far, we have survived without anyone getting kidnapped or hurt. I'll take that as a win!

Nico and I sit down with our trays of food. Lou Ellen and Cecil are still in the line waiting for food, so we've got a minute.

"So, uh, how are you going to explain the new name to them?" I ask.

He purses his lips. "I'll tell them I was seeing how long I could prank you, or something. Make it seem like it was all just an innocent trick. Do you think they'll buy it?"

I don't have time to answer because then Cecil is confidently striding over to our table, a tray of french toast sticks in hand, and sets it down loudly at the spot across from me. He grins at us. "Lou is going to the dance with me."

My mouth falls open. I thought they were oblivious to each other's mutual pining! When did they realize they both liked each other? Since when do my friends actually realize things like this? Normally, they dance around each other and seem completely ignorant that they're both crushing on each other.

"Congrats," Nico says as he peels an orange. "Who asked who?"

Just as he asks, Lou Ellen also arrives at the table, but she hesitates just behind Cecil, a small smile on her face like she wants to hear the story from his point of view.

"I asked her," Cecil claims proudly. "Basically, you can imagine that I had, like, the best strategy. Used a couple of good pickup lines, bought her flowers, wore a suit, you know. The whole shebang. I went all out. If you think about it, it's no wonder she said yes."

Lou Ellen rolls her eyes behind him and sets her tray down next to him, grinning. "Cecil. Would you like to rethink that memory? I'm pretty sure it went differently."

Cecil's entire face reddens as he realizes he's been caught in a lie. Then, quietly, he grumbles. "Okay. Fine. She asked me while we were watching Godzilla together."

Lou Ellen nods approvingly. "That's more like it." Then she reaches for his shoulder and squeezes it. "We have to figure out a color scheme. Let me know by tonight if you have a preference, okay? I'll send the dress options."

Talking about their plans for the dance cheers Cecil up again. He's not usually the type of person to care about what he wears, even to formal events, but it's clear he's willing to put in the extra effort for her. He wants to put in the extra effort to match with her because it means they'll get to show everyone that they're a couple. I glance over at Nico, and I understand the appeal.

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