25: Your Heart Is Your Masterpiece, and I'll Keep It Safe

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Just so that you will all be vaguely nervous: I just wanted to let you know that we're currently in the eye of the hurricane, and shit is about to go down. Enjoy the peace of this chapter while it lasts because you are in for a ride in future chapters! The climax of the story is RAPIDLY approaching. 

Let me know in the comments who you think the Viper is because I want to know your guesses before the Massive Reveal^TM! Only a few more chapters~ I've seen around four or five theories/guesses in the comments, and I love reading them. I will never reply to tell you if you're right or not, but there are clues everywhere. I have shared more than enough details about the Viper at this point that it is definitely possible to figure out who their identity is, though there are also some red herrings in here. Put your detective caps on in the comments!

PS: If you're from the future reading this for the second time, do NOT spoil it for everyone! Do not comment anything that will give it away! You are a member of the "I Know The Viper" club, and your duties include trying to throw everyone off in the comments lmao. Cause chaos for me!


Track: I'll Keep You Safe, Sleeping At Last

Will texts me when he finishes interrogating Luke. It sounds pretty urgent, so I stuff my suit in my bag. He warns me that his mother is home tonight, so we'll need to be careful about what we say so that she doesn't find out he's Sunburst. He said he doesn't want her to find out until he's finished a mission successfully, and since his original mission of arresting me and getting the bounty has been destroyed, he wants to finish the new mission of finding Hazel before he tells her. I think I understand; my own mother has been worried about me constantly since finding out that I have such a dangerous hobby, and I would imagine that Will's mother is the same. He doesn't want to tell her what he's doing until he has proof that he can handle it.

Apparently, they've cut out a lot of his mother's shifts since the Viper's attacks. They don't really want anyone in the building more than strictly necessary. The police are finally wrapping up the majority of the investigation; all the physical evidence has been collected. Still, there are police lingering around Underworld Ores near-constantly to interview the hundreds of employees. At night, there's heavy surveillance in case anyone returns to the headquarters.

So we can't return to the headquarters yet. Hopefully just a few more days though—and then the police will find something new to react to, Hades will hire new guards, and Will and I will return to break in one more time. The last time, if we're lucky.

I take a bus to Will's house. I know he just ran the full distance, but I can't be bothered. He's not in any danger, or else he would have called or come to see me in person, so I'm not wasting my energy running.

I knock on Will's door, but it's his mother who answers. She doesn't look much like Will, but they do share a few features—they have the same ovalish face shape, and the same curls in their hair. She also shares Will's long eyelashes and neat eyebrows. That's about where the similarity ends, though.

Her eyes flash with surprise when she sees me on her porch, and for a moment, she can't seem to say anything at all.

"Hello," I greet, a little unsure of myself. "Uh, my name is Nico di Angelo. I'm...uh, well, I'm Will's...friend."

It takes another moment for her to react, which is a little excruciating because I feel a little bit like she might not like me. Is it because I'm wearing all black? Do I give off "this is a bad influence on my son" vibes? Probably. (Objectively, I am a bad influence on her son. He has technically begun to break the law because of me, and my break-ins used to cause him to skip school. Damn, this woman must be good at identifying people who are morally corrupt.)

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