Story Resources

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This chapter isn't story content but it is story related materials! If the links don't do their linking duties, I'll put them in the comments for you to follow. 

First, here's the story's playlist, with every song in order that it appears in the story:

Second, here's the playlist of all songs that I considered using for the story, just in case you want it:

Third, if you want to know what this story looked like prior to editing, here's the link: I'm just leaving it here for historical purposes because the story and writing style have changed a lot. If you want to see what young Sunny's writing looked like, feel free to read that have a laugh.

Finally, if you liked this story, you might like my book series :) It's a gay superhero enemies-to-lovers trilogy. Honestly, the characters have similar powers to Nico and Will (though the my OC's powers are actually based on bodies of the Solar System, not on Solangelo, but if you like the Solangelo yin-and-yang dynamic, you'll probably like my OCs!):

Admittedly, When Villains Rise is meant for a younger audience than Seek is meant for, but if you're just looking for a dramatic story of queer superheroes falling in love, it might still be something that interests you. That being said, if you were the type of person to believe that The Sun and The Star should have been geared toward an older audience, you probably don't want to read my book. One final note: if you'd like to read When Villains Rise, but can't afford it, don't be afraid to reach out to me! Amazon does not pay me very much for my book, so I have no problem sharing the story with you for free. For context, depending on the price I set the hardcover version of my book, you may be charged $20+, and I only make like $0.90. So if you want to read it, just let me know :) My wattpad is the_sunniest_angels if you'd rather private message me than leave a comment here.

Thank you for reading Seek! I hope you enjoyed <3 It means a lot to me that you guys got so excited for this story because this one was a story I kept rewriting in my Google Docs, and that obsession with queer superhero stories led me to write my own book for the first time. Thank you for reading my writing, and I hope that you had a good time!


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