Chapter 2

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Summer 2016

"Luca!" I yelled, just before my brother grabbed me around the waist and threw me into the pool rather inelegantly. I emerged from below the surface and gasped. On the shore, both Luca and Charles were clutching their stomachs with laughter. "I had my phone in my pocket, you idiots," I sobbed and dragged myself onto land, where I slapped myself on the grass. "Show me, I'll look at it," Charles held out his hand and I handed him my phone. He shook it in the air a few times and then handed it to me saying, "It works."

That summer was one of the best of my life. Since the Leclercs had some moving arrangements to make and their summer schedule didn't offer much fun anyway, they loaned Charles to us for his entire summer break. Me, Luca, and Charlie were able to spend the whole two weeks in a rented apartment in Riccione. Of course with my parents too, but that was just a small blemish on an otherwise perfect plan.

My parents and I went to Riccione every year on the same date for as long as I can remember. I bet my brother and I were conceived in Riccione. Crowds of Italian families came here every year, so we also made a lot of friends here, whom we saw every summer.

"We'll meet at the beach in the evening. Old gang, as always," Luca smiled at me and put his cell phone back on the table next to the lounger. "What does old gang mean?" Charles asked and I excitedly began to describe to him all the members of our once child group, now teenage group. "I'm sure you'll fit in just great, don't worry," I nudged him. "I don't worry," he smirked and dug a finger under my ribs. I looked at him with a murderous look but immediately relented. I was 17, Charlie was 18, and god, he was the best-looking boy by far. As he sat there, in his blue bathing suit, his eyes shining and his cheeks freckled from the sun. I didn't want to fall in love, but it was so damn hard.

"...and this is Charles," Luca introduced our Charlie to the rest of the group, and the 3 of us settled into a circle that formed around a small campfire on the beach. Gianna immediately focused all her attention on the newly arrived stranger. She was the most curious girl I know and she was never ashamed of it. She just wanted to know everything about everyone and everyone had to know everything about her. "That's enough, Gia," Marco squeezed her shoulder gently after Charles started fidgeting nervously in his seat. "Let him breathe a little." Charles thanked him with a grateful look and moved slightly closer to me. At the slightest movement, our elbows touched and electricity shot through me every time. What the hell is wrong with me? Charles is a friend, just a friend.

"Truth or dare, Adri?" Matteo asked when it was my turn. "Um, true," I sputtered. I hate these games. I never liked them and I never will like them. "Which of the guys here do you think is the most handsome?" We only drank weak fruit beer, but suddenly I felt like I drank a whole bottle of vodka. My head was spinning. I swallowed loudly and scanned everyone present until my gaze landed on Charles. I can lie, no one will know. "Damiano," I finally said, my eyes still on Charles. He looked strange and turned his gaze down at his hands in his lap. Damiano grinned happily at me. "Gia, truth or dare?" I quickly turned my attention to the next one in line.

"So you like me?" Damiano asked later in the evening as the group split into smaller groups. I looked at him. He was handsome, there's no doubt about that. Wavy brown hair, and grey eyes,... but he wasn't our Charlie. "You know, don't take it the wrong way, but don't look for anything more in it, please," I said carefully. "I like you, Adri. Terribly. I wanted to tell you a long time ago, but..." he stopped and suddenly leaned towards me. His lips lightly brushed against mine and...nothing. I didn't feel anything. Well, that's not entirely true, because I felt a complete panic when my eyes found Charles again, who was just chatting with Luca not far away and watching us both carefully. 

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