Chapter 17

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Spring 2018

Winter was ending, the sun was starting to warm up again, and I was doing everything I could to pass the exams with ease. I was in great shape, not only mentally and physically, but I really felt that I had my destiny in my hands. Mom was doing great, her hair even started to grow back a little, dad was excited because the season at the guesthouse was starting again in full swing. Luca passed his first university exams and our relationship with Damiano only blossomed.

I finished my last year of high school with honors and we had a small celebration. Luca arrived, with his new girlfriend Alessandra, who was so beautiful that I couldn't believe that she chose to date my brother. And Damiano brought his parents, who were to meet mine for the first time. Carlo and Alice adored me from the first moment and it must be said that I did too. I knew that all our parents would get along very well.

"Adri, we have something for you," Mom smiled and pointed her head towards the door to indicate to everyone that we should go out. I narrowed my eyes because I didn't know what to expect, but I got up and followed my dad to the front of the house and into the driveway where a tiny red car was parked. A small red Volkswagen Golf. "It's not a Ferrari, but at least it's red," Luca laughed and I nudged him with my elbow. "This is for me?" I asked my parents in disbelief and went to the car. Instead of answering, dad threw the keys at me and I laughed happily. My first car.

At the end of May, I went to Parma in my Golf, which quickly became the best thing I ever owned. I gave him all my care and love. That is, the care and love that Damiano did not require, of course. Damiano and I met in the parking lot in front of the university's main building because his admissions process was on the same day.

"I'll have my fingers crossed. But we both know you can handle it like it's nothing," he smiled at me, caressed my cheek and kissed me. "Good luck, Dami. You'll do great," I laughed, giving him one last loving look and then we split up and each went to their classroom.

When I entered, I showed my ID card, the committee crossed me off the list and I sat down in a free seat. I looked around the stepped hall and thought to myself: "Well, I'll be listening to lectures here in a few months." When the time came to start writing the test, I started filling in the questions, still with a smile on my face.

"So?" Damiano blurted out impatiently when we met again in the parking lot after two hours. It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, a light warm breeze was blowing and fluffy clouds were chasing across the sky. The weather seemed to reflect my mood. "I handled it like it was nothing," I grinned and threw myself into his arms. "How was it for you?" I asked him. He looked uncertain, but finally smiled cautiously, "I think it will be alright."

We ate at a nearby restaurant and I couldn't stop bragging about how confident I was about the result. I've always been a bit of a nerd and therefore wasn't particularly popular for most of my school years. This was also reflected in the fact that for a long time my best friend was my older brother and an unnamed racing driver. But now the tables have turned. And Damiano supported me in my nerdyness. He didn't mind me talking for hours about physical therapy and what muscle or joint was hurting him when his back or knee hurt, he didn't mind me reading several books at the same time, and he never made fun of it in a bad way.

Exactly one week after the test, I received an email with the decision. I took my phone and dialed Damiano's number. "You got it?" he just asked and I grumbled in agreement. "I recieved mine too," he added.

"On three?" I asked.

"One, two, three!" we counted down together and clicked on a new message. I skimmed the text with my eyes, looking for a single word. Accettato. Accepted. I squealed and Damiano laughed. "You got in?" he asked with joy in his voice.

"Yeah!" I yelled. "And you?"

"We're going to university together, Adri," he informed me and we both started laughing again.

I could not believe it. Everything will be great. My dream major at a great university in a beautiful city, living with a great boyfriend... Welcome, a new great stage of my life! 

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