Chapter 44

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August 2024

"You're incredible," I gasped as I removed the pillow from my face and Charles emerged from under the covers. He had a satisfied, triumphant expression on his face. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and laid down next to me. I pulled my legs together, still recovering from the wave of orgasm that had swept through me a moment ago. "I said you can't stay quiet," he smirked and kissed me. "I didn't expect you to check it out in my childhood room in my father's house," I whispered. "You mustn't underestimate me so much. I can try it anytime, anywhere," he smirked, moving his hand to my crotch again. I didn't want to stay behind, so I put my hand in his pants and started rubbing him with my palm. He let out a small sigh and we both closed our eyes only to hear a pounding on the door a few seconds later. "They're here!" Dad yelled at us and we jumped away from each other as if someone had electrocuted us.

Messed up and out of breath, we reached the living room, where the whole family was already waiting. Luca was looking at us with an understanding mischievous expression and Alessandra was just smiling happily. She was holding little Silvia in her arms and tears suddenly came to my eyes. The little one was only 6 weeks old, and even though I saw her in hundreds of photos, it was completely different in person. Plus they named her after my mom. Although they stole my future daughter's name from me, in this case, I have to forgive my brother and his wife. "She's beautiful," I whispered and grabbed the little one by the tiny leg. "Shee has a second name after you," Luca smiled at me and I looked at him in surprise. "Letizia? Why would you do that to the poor child?" I asked.

"No, not Letizia," Luca laughed. "Adriana. Her name is Silvia Adriana Rossi." I was already crying fully, I turned to Charles and buried my face in his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my hair. "Why didn't you ever tell me you had a middle name? Miss Letizia," he chuckled and I kicked him in the shin.

"I'm sorry we came at the wrong time," Luca grinned as he shoved little Silvia into my arms and flopped onto the couch next to me. The rest were still setting the table. I gave him a hostile look, but I knew he was just teasing me. "When Charles and I are alone, every moment is a wrong time," I shrugged, and Luca smirked for a change. "Good for you," he kept tempting me, but I just shook my head with a smile. "You did a great job," I whispered, looking at the baby in my arms. "Thanks, we tried really hard," he laughed. "How are you two doing?"

"What do you think?" I did not understand.

"What about your future? Did you talk about it? You're not the youngest after all," my older brother sneered. If I wasn't holding the baby, I would have punched him.

"We recently had a conversation about getting married," I admitted, shrugging. "But nothing concrete." "Food is on the table!" Dad yelled from the dining room and we both got up to move.

"Happy birthday, bro," Charles shook my brother's right hand and handed him the gift envelope. I shook my head and forgave the remark about Luca being my brother, not his. Luca's birthday was already in June, but unfortunately due to the birth and the races it was not possible to meet earlier, so a joint celebration was planned for Luca and Elio in August when the smaller of them celebrated his birthday. "You're kidding me!" Luca exclaimed as he saw the tickets for his favorite team and the best seats. "Dad! What are you doing on October 8th?" he roared, shoving the tickets in his face. "Sorry, somehow we didn't realize, that because of the little one, you probably won't be able to go with him," I looked apologetically at Alessandra, who just smiled happily. "I'll put the little one in mom's care and have a ladies' night. Do not worry. No one would ever get me to go to the football match."

"Does Luca know about Paola?" I asked my dad in the kitchen in the evening when I was helping him clean. Luca and Alessandra were in the room putting the children to bed and both were so exhausted after the long journey that I assumed they fell asleep before their offspring. "Not yet, but I will tell him. I promise," Dad frowned. "He'll be fine. He'll be happy that you're happy just as I was, you'll see," I smiled at him and stroked his back. "I have to say you surprised me, Adri. I was a little afraid you were going to freak out," he smirked. "Me too," added Charles, who appeared in the doorway out of the blue. "You walk like a ghost," I grumbled. "And I don't like how much you gravitate towards my father. You're supposed to be on my side," I grinned at him and dad chuckled. Charles just shrugged and walked over to me so he could hug me from behind and put his chin on top of my head. "I'll always be on your side," he muttered, I smiled and turned to kiss him. "Lord, it's already so late!" Dad shouted, yawning dramatically. I laughed and pulled away from Charles so as not to make things awkward for my father. "Good night, you two," he said goodbye and disappeared. "Charlie?" I grunted with my face buried in his chest again.


"Now I bet you can't stay quiet," I smiled innocently at him, quickly unzipped his pants and dropped to my knees.

"We'll see, Miss Letizia," he chuckled and I gave him a murderous look.

"Charlie, please shut up." 

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