Chapter 39

330 7 2

May 2024

In my opinion, there are two types of the most powerful and unforgettable memories in life. The ones that are strong because something terrible happened to you and the ones that are strong because something wonderful happened. In this case, it was the second option. May 26, 2024 will forever be recorded for me as the day Charles Leclerc finally won the Monaco Grand Prix.

It must be said that yesterday's qualifying already promised us a great result when Charlie completed it in the second fastest time. But no one probably expected that he would take over the lead from Max even before the first corner of the race, and he would not let it go until the finish line. If Charles had been the Crown Prince of Maranello up until now, he was now also the King of Monaco.

I stood behind the barriers with Lorenzo, Arthur and Pascale, waiting for Charles to park at the number 1 sign, jump out of the car and hug us. Finally, a red Ferrari with the number 16 appeared and Charlie took off after us. He jumped after both of his brothers, hugged his mom and some of the other team members, and then finally stood in front of me. I was already smiling like crazy, but when he lifted his helmet visor and I saw the laugh lines forming around his eyes, I jumped around his neck. "I am so incredibly proud of you. Look how happy you make everyone. I love you," I said more to myself because I wasn't sure if he could even hear me. But when he looked into my eyes, I was convinced that he did.

Charles had one of the city's clubs reserved for select company only to mark his triumph. Of course, it was all drivers, family and friends, a lot of friends, and a few more or less famous personalities. As I was a little worried that Charles wouldn't be able to spend much time with me because of how desirable he was right now, I asked Sarah and Kala to accompany me as well. Not that I had to talk them down for a long time.

In the end, Charles didn't move away from me for almost the entire evening, and when someone asked for his attention, he resolutely dragged me everywhere. Fortunately, my friends didn't seem to miss me in any way, because they took turns dancing either together or with anyone who happened to be in their personal space.

I couldn't help but notice how Charlie was literally glowing. His eyes were suddenly a much greener and lighter color than usual, his cheeks were a healthy pink, his skin was the right amount of shiny and his hair was as perfect as ever. In addition to all this, he radiated incredible charisma and contentment. I couldn't stop staring at him and it was clear to me how strange my looks must appear to those around me. But I didn't care. Charles is my boyfriend and I can check him out all I want. After all, I can touch him how I want and do a lot of other things how I want as well. Probably not here, but still. Every time he caught my gaze, he smiled at me and leaned down to kiss my cheek, lips, hair, wherever he happened to find.

"What a day," I said in a slightly tipsy state as Charlie unlocked the apartment door. Sarah and Kala had already left a few hours ago in a taxi and I would have gone with them, but I damned well didn't want to leave without Charles and he insisted that he couldn't leave when the party was in his honor. "And night," Charles mumbled and yawned. "I'm too old for this," I moaned, kicking my shoes off my feet, swaying and if it weren't for Charles and his strong arms, I would have ended up on the floor. "Careful," he smirked and tried to get me back on my feet. I knew we both drank pretty much the same, but he's a head taller, a few pounds heavier, and most importantly, he has the metabolism of an elite athlete. In contrast, I'm just me.

He led me into the kitchen and sat me on a chair, closed the door to the guest room where my friends were sleeping, filled a glass of water and placed it in front of me. "Drink it," he ordered and I obeyed. When I had finished, he refilled the glass and placed it in front of me again with a small motion of his hands. "I'm not thirsty anymore," I objected. "Drink it," he smirked and watched with amusement as I knocked the second glass of water into myself with disgust. "You'll thank me later," he whispered, and before I knew it, he grabbed me by the shoulders and knees and pulled me into his arms. "What are you doing?" I squealed, but he cut me off with a stern look and nodded toward the door of the occupied room. I giggled and grabbed his neck and let myself be carried into the bedroom.

He stood me facing the mirror and stood behind me. He kissed my neck from behind a few times and gently ran his fingertips over my bare shoulders. I watched in the mirror as he concentrated and excruciatingly slowly unzipped the zipper on my back and then slowly pulled down each strap separately so that the dress could fall to my ankles of its own accord. At that moment, as if someone poured ice water on me, I completely sobered up. I made eye contact with him in the mirror and we both smiled at the same time. I turned to him and without hesitation pulled his white t-shirt over his head. While white t-shirts look great on them, there are times when white t-shirts belong on the floor. 

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