Chapter 5

672 13 5

January 2024

"So where's my little sister?" a familiar voice called from the front door and I dropped the book with the speed of light, almost knocking over the mug of tea, and ran downstairs, where I jumped into Luca's arms. "Did you miss me that much?" he laughed as he tried to shake me off after about 2 minutes. "Long time no see," I moaned and finally let him go. "Where is my favourite nephew?" I stared at the almost four-year-old boy who was holding his mother's hand. Elio looked just like his father. Same light brown hair, same hazel eyes, same mischievous smile. I ruffled his hair and hugged Alessandra, who was getting more beautiful every time I saw her. "Nice to see you again, Adri," she smiled and I smiled back.

"What's new in Rome?" Dad asked Luca and Alessandra over family dinner. "Well," Alessandra began, looking at her husband. "Luca wanted to tell you at the party, but I think it's better to tell you now."

I widened my eyes and looked at her round belly, which she caressed casually. "Mio Dio, congratulations," I jumped out of my chair and hugged them both one by one. I couldn't help but notice how they were both beaming with happiness, while Dad still looked a bit puzzled. "You're going to be a double grandpa, dad," Luca explained to him with a smug grin, and we could all watch as dad melted.

I tried to get all the information out of Alessandra about the pregnancy, but she wasn't forthcoming, so I tried to push Elio but instead, he started talking about how much he liked Sasha from kindergarten. I finally admitted defeat and stopped asking. Instead, I spread Monopoly on the table and we engaged in a fierce battle where everything was at stake, especially family honour.

Early in the morning, the day before the party, my phone rang. I blindly found it on the bedside table and declined the call. I turned to on other side and at that moment the phone rang again. "Are you kidding me..." I angrily answered the call and grunted: "SÌ?"

"I see you slept well," I heard Charles's voice on the other end.

"Why are you calling me at six in the morning?"

"Because I'm bored and wanted to come up with a plan for today."

"I'll tell you what the plan is for today. I will sleep for another 2 hours, then I will have breakfast and then I will help in the kitchen until the evening, preparing food for tomorrow's celebration. If you're so bored, you can come help," I snapped at him.

He simply said, "Okay." And hung up. Confused, I tried to go back to sleep, but after that disturbing conversation, I couldn't. Does Charles really want to help with the cooking? The same Charles who can't even cook pasta without destroying half of the kitchen? I tossed and turned for another hour or so, and finally decided it would be best to get up.

In my bathrobe, I went down to the kitchen, where I made a cappuccino and took some cornetto from the supplies. I sat down on the couch and spread the book on my lap. I hadn't even finished half the cup when there was a timid knock on the window. Behind the glass, Charles's head, hidden in a gray knitted cap, was peering at me, his cheeks dimpled from that annoyingly wide smile. Sighing, I placed the book and mug on the table and went to open the door for him. "I didn't think you would really show up," I pointed out and went to make coffee for him as well. "An extra pair of hands always comes in handy, doesn't it?"

"I'm not sure if your pair of hands is really a positive bonus," I said truthfully and placed a second cappuccino and a cornetto on the table. "Thanks," he said and started his breakfast. "Sexy robe, by the way," he smirked and I looked down at my brown plush robe with bear ears on the hood. I shot him a look and tried to continue ignoring him. If there's one thing I've learned about Charles over the years, it's that he has an uncanny talent for bothering other people, who don't want to be bothered.

"What are you reading?" he asked after a moment of silence. I rolled my eyes and showed him the book cover. "Physiotherapy for athletes?" he read in disbelief and I raised an eyebrow. "Since when are you interested in physical therapy?"

"Since I got a degree in physiotherapy?"

"You have a degree in physiotherapy?" he widened his eyes.

"We really have a lot of catching up to do," I smirked and Charles laughed. "I drive for Ferrari in Formula 1," he added. "Seriously? You don't tell!" I looked shocked and at that moment Elio burst into the room in his pajamas and right behind him was a disheveled Luca dressed only in a t-shirt and shorts. "Buongiorno," Charles reminded himself before he could witness the violence against the children as Luca finally caught up to Elio and grabbed him by both arms to drag him back to the room to wash and get dressed. "Hello, Charlie. What are you doing here so soon?" my brother asked, looking at us both in disbelief. "I came to help with the preparations for tomorrow," Charles explained to him and Luca looked just as shocked as I expected him to. "Do you want to help with the cooking?" Luca laughed, while Elio slipped away from him and ran away. "Why are you all so freaked out about this?" Charles didn't understand. 

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