Chapter 54

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December 2024

I extracted the last remains of physical and mental strength from myself and convinced the doctors to release me from the hospital an hour before the start of the grand prix. Joris came to pick me up, he just helped me into the car and didn't ask anything, although he looked at me alternately curiously and worriedly the whole time. "Are you sure this is a good idea? You don't look your best," he asked as he parked and moved to my side to open the door for me. "I'm fine, Jo. Seriously. I need to be here," I assured him, pushing away his arm, which he was about to support me with.

When I caught sight of Charles' expression in the garage, my heart almost stopped. He was pale, with circles under his eyes and a completely blank and desperate expression. He certainly didn't look like someone who was destined to become an F1 champion for the first time. He looked up and his eyes met mine. He didn't even notice that one of the engineers was talking to him at the moment and headed straight towards me. Wordlessly he hugged me tightly and I buried my face in his chest. I breathed in his scent, which usually had an almost therapeutic effect on me, and this time too I felt some of the unbearable pressure and anxiety release. He took my face in his hands and looked deep into my eyes. We were both still silent, but our eyes said everything needed at that moment. We have each other and we will get through this together. I kissed him, hoping to give him any remaining mental strength because he needed it more than I did at that moment.

I knew I couldn't last the whole race on my feet, so I went after Kika and sat next to her on the couch in front of the screen. One look at me was enough for her to whisper my name softly and hug me tightly. And it was enough for me to break down again and cry on her shoulder. Even as the red lights went out, I was furiously wiping my tears and trying to focus on the screen. I saw his car whiz safely through the first corner in the first position. I could only imagine what was going through his mind, but I prayed that he would at least try to focus on his race and leave all the events of the day far behind him at the starting line. With three laps to go, when it was already 99% certain that Charles would win the race, I moved back to the team so that I could be with him when he jumped out of the car and officially won his coveted title.

"Grande, Charles! Grande!" echoed all around. "Sei il campione del mondo!" I was right that with his win he could partially dull the pain we both felt. He ran to the barrier, and I was the first one he hugged. I felt immense pride and satisfaction that all his hard work and determination had finally come to fruition. His dream, which has become our shared dream over the past months, has finally come true. Words couldn't adequately describe all the feelings that were going through me at that moment, but pride was definitely the most prominent of them. "You are incredible. You don't even know how much I love you," I whispered into the open visor and watched as his eyes finally lit up again.

Seeing Charles on stage with the words World Champion shining above his head was the perfect end to the year. Not only he deserved it, but also the whole team. For the last time of the season, the Monaco and Italian national anthems were played, and then he lifted the first-place trophy above his head. Then there was a team photo shoot and interviews and it took a long time before we could pack up and go to the hotel. No one understood why we didn't want to go into town to celebrate, but Charlie didn't give a damn. I told him to take it easy, but he flatly refused, saying that he really wasn't in the mood to celebrate, I understood him completely, even though I was afraid that he would regret it in a few weeks.

We ordered a pizza and a bottle of champagne to our room and spent the evening discussing the good things that had happened in the past months. We avoided the topic of abortion like hell and both let ourselves be soothed by a fancy sparkling wine. I felt like it made us even closer. As if nothing could hurt us anymore. We knew we had each other and nothing else mattered.

"Maybe it just wasn't meant to be. Maybe it would be too much luck at once," said Charles when we were already lying in bed. I knew it was strong emotions and alcohol talking, but I didn't want to get into an argument with him. Not today. I did not agree that it was fate that decided that we would still have to wait for a child. I was a staunch realist, and it seemed silly that fate had to choose between the embryo in my womb and the championship trophy that Charles would soon display in his living room. "I think we're lucky enough anyway," I whispered and to confirm my words, I kissed him lovingly. 

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