Chapter 49

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September 2024

Another two hours later, I heard the roar of an engine outside the house and the cracking of gravel in the driveway, I jumped off the couch and ran to the window with only one thought: "Please, let it be him!" The familiar Range Rover stopped in front of the house, and I broke open the front door to run outside. Maybe I was too impulsive, needlessly scared and almost one hundred percent too hysterical. But I blame everything again on the two biggest losses in my life. Losing my mom to illness and losing Charles to our own immaturity. I can't afford to let this happen again. Maybe I'll act like a crazy possessive girlfriend sometimes, but I'd rather do that than lose him again.

"Where the hell have you been?" I shouted at him and jumped around his neck. I inhaled his scent. He smelled shampoo and aftershave because he must have just gotten out of the shower. His blue Ferrari sweatshirt smelled of his cologne, and even though I was dying to know what happened yesterday, the fact that he was holding me tight around the waist was more than enough for me at that moment. I felt him plant a few light kisses on the top of my head and I pressed myself even closer to him. If it was possible, not even a molecule of air would fit between us. I felt like tears were coming to my eyes, but I quickly pushed them away. Am I really that stupid? So weak? Charles doesn't contact me for 2 hours and I'm making a scene out of it? Almost all emotions were mixed in me. Anger, happiness that he's okay, fear...

He let go of me for a moment so he could go to the back door of the car, which he opened and pulled out a bouquet of yellow roses from inside. I chuckled and shook my head as he handed them to me with an uncertain expression. I had to overcome all my basic instincts not to reach out and hit him on the head with the bouquet. We just stood facing each other for a while. I was looking at a dozen yellow flowers and Charles at the tips of his shoes when I heard a door slam behind me. "I'm going to see Paola. Hi Charlie," Dad said, quickly getting into his car to drive away. "Come on in," I said to Charles. I put the roses in water and put them next to the TV. I sat down on the couch and waited for him to sit next to me and start talking.

"I'm sorry, Adri," he whispered. This is off to a good start, I thought, waiting to see what he would say next. "I was in a meeting with sponsors and lost track of time. We had a little drink and I completely forgot that I should probably let you know." I rolled my eyes. I take it back, this is definitely not off to a good start. I felt my blood pressure shoot up and bit my tongue to keep me from yelling at him. Instead, I narrowed my eyes and stared at him. "It's a very stupid reason, I know," he admitted and started playing with his bracelets again. I was still silent, I wanted to let him bathe in his misery properly. He didn't deserve me to make it easy for him. Certainly not when the only reason for him missing the dinner and ignoring me was alcohol. "Can you say something?" he looked at me unhappily. I clasped my hands in my lap and shook my head resolutely. "Adri, I'm sorry..." he whimpered and lifted my chin so I had to look at him. "Are you crying?" I asked scared as I saw glistening tears in his green eyes which were now darker than normal. "Charlie..." I whispered and moved closer to him. All the rage suddenly dissipated in a single tear that ran down his face. I reached out to him and wiped it with my thumb. Then I sat on his lap without saying a word and hugged him. I knew at that moment that he was as unhappy as I was about the events of the last few days. I didn't need more words and apologies. I just needed him, just like he needed me.

"I was worried about you," I admitted to him in the evening, when I rested my head on his bare chest and listened to his heart beating fast. "I know. That's what annoys me the most. And also that I paid no attention to you over the weekend. I promise it won't happen again. And if it does, you can punch me," he chuckled, making my head jump. I smiled. "I promise I'll tell you the next time something bothers me and I won't get offended because of it. And I also promise that I'll try not to die of fear if I don't hear from you for a few hours," I said in return.

"You'll try?" he asked and I lifted my head to look at him. A mischievous smile spread across his face, and he had that cheerful sparkle in his eyes again. With his sex-tousled hair, he looked years younger and full of life.

"I'll try," I repeated with a smile.

"Look how we've grown up," he laughed. 

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