part 14

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It was a week after dinner with Jungkook's friends. The first three days were mess for both Jungkook and Taehyung. After coming home both didn't talk to each other. It's not like they don't want to talk. They don't find words to express their feelings.

Taehyung, when got to know the secret of Jungkook was feeling like someone has blocked his air passage of lungs. As if his lungs were blocked and air was not allowed to enter. He cried himself to sleep. It was not easy for him to ignore the fact that
He is cheating on his husband who is madly in love with him.

3 days back then it was different. He didn't know the fact that Jungkook was in love with him instead he believed that he was helping Jungkook. Jungkook doesn't want a love or marriage relation with anyone so he married him right? Not it was wrong he(Jungkook )didn't marry him because Jungkook was happy. Instead he was suffering.

Suffering from the feeling of seeing his love with someone.

He thought Jungkook moved on from him. He wanted Jungkook to move on from him. He never in his life want Jungkook to feel hurt. Jungkook was so close to his heart. Hurting Jungkook means hurting his own heart. After his mom if someone have right on Taehyung then it's Jungkook.
It's not like he don't love laia. He really really love her. But with Jungkook he feel a special bond. A bond that don't need anything to get stronger. It gets strong with every beat of his heart. Even from the start, from childhood to adulthood till this day Jungkook hold a very dear place.

When Taehyung realize all this he cried on his knees Infront of Jungkook asking for forgiveness. He even said that he will breakup with the love of his life if Jungkook wants. He doesn't want to cheat on his partner. He despise cheaters. He don't want to be one. It was right if Jungkook doesn't want any relation between them. But now knowing that Jungkook love him. He can't be a cheater.

On the other hand, with Jungkook, he feels numb. The feeling of getting his deepest secret exposed. He doesn't want Taehyung to get him wrong. He loves him but he doesn't want his love to make Taehyung uncomfortable. He never wanted to come in between Taehyung happiness but when he listens the words
I will breakup with laia if you want '

He felt like dying. He was regretting marrying Taehyung. He just want his love to be happy. He doesn't want to come in between Taehyung and his happiness.

"Please tae don't say like this. It hurts me. Your happiness is all I need. I love you. I love you Soo damn much but it doesn't mean that I must have you. You are so precious I consider myself lucky that I fall for you. Just your one glimpse is enough for me to live. You are my everything. My only reason to live. I don't know how I survive that much without you. In these damn 8 years there's not even a one day in which I didn't missed you.


You don't have to like me back. You don't even have to do anything. Just live with me for sometime. When laia's family will be ready then you can marry her. Even if it's just one day let me live with you. Please let me live with you even if it's just one day . But if you are feeling guilty just tell me I will leave you this instant. I know you love laia I know how it feels please don't spoil your relation. I just want you to be happy even if it ruin me "

As Jungkook finished these words both were sobbing badly. Taehyung immediately pull Jungkook in his arms hugging tightly. For an hour only crying voice were echoing in the room.

Next two days both come back to there normal self. But there was one thing that change between them. Now Jungkook and Taehyung both become more closer without having any secrets between them.

It was a new beginning
With already decided end


Thanks to all my followers and readers for wasting your precious time reading this. I hope to not disappoint you.
@countybd111 thanks for your interest and waiting.

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