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It was a busy day for Jungkook. He got tired of the continuous patients in the hospital but is he complaining? It was almost the end of his working hours. He was sitting in Dr Burks cabin rambling about his husband's childishness from hours.

After the fight that happened that day Burk tried his best to earn forgiveness from Jungkook. No matter how much he was concerned about Jungkook he shouldn't have shouted on elder and after getting to know about elder's Condition he was feeling guilty. After pleadings and promising that he will never do this stupidity again, Jungkook forgive him. It was not that Jungkook was overreacting it's just that he was hurt and we get upset from the people whom we know are capable of earning forgiveness, whom we love and trust that they will make things right. At the end Jungkook forgive Burk by pulling him in a hug obviously he can't leave his best friend.

"- and then he got scared as if I'm really going to beat him" Jungkook was in his own bubble busy in rambling about his love, his eyes were showing the evidence how much this man love his husband
While Burk was getting irritated by younger's behavior. From the moment he had entered inside the room he was speaking about his husband. His husband this, this husband that. Can't he see Burk is getting hurt. But he tried to stay calm

"-sometimes he is really like a cute baby ohh! How much I love this mannnnn" Jungkook said dreamily closing his eyes putting his hands on his eyes.

"Jungkook just stop please " Burk tried to stop the man who was  dreaming about his own husband

" He is my life Ahhhhhhhhhhh -" still with close eyes Jungkook was busy in his delusions (like us) when he heard Burk shout

" ENOUGH JUNGKOOK. CAN'T YOU SEE IT HURT ME" Burk said in frustration

"Why? Ohh don't worry your single ass will also find someone" Jungkook laughed he thought that Burk is getting jealous about Jungkook showing his love life and he is single. 


" Man why are you hyped up you'll find someon-"


Jungkook was looking at Burk confused. What the man is even saying

"What" maybe it make some sense In Jungkook but he was praying that it will be a lie.

"FROM THE MOMENT I SAW YOU IM SUFFERING. IM SUFFERING FROM LOVE. I TRIED TO STOP MY SELF BUT IT HURTS ( drops of water start flowing from Burks eyes) but you are not at fault. How can you be when you didn't even did anything." Burk harshly wiped his tears

"Don't-" do you know the feeling when you want everything, everyone to shut up. The feeling when you want to change the things happening Infront of you. The feeling which make heart to bleed till the point nothing left in that pumping machine

" Jungkook can't - can't you like me back. Why -can't I be Taehyung. Why can't I be the one wh-om you lo-ve. It hurts " Burk cried

"Do-n't say- any-thing  pl-ease" Jungkook didn't know when tears fall from his eyes. All he want was to stop the man Infront of him

" Don't stop -me now Jungkook. I took me so mu-ch time to ga-ther courage. from the- moment I saw you I don't wa-nt to look at anyone else. You've become my -everything. I kept it in-side my heart -for so long because I didn't wanted to lose you. Jungko-ok please ea-se this pain" Burk said crying hysterically rubbing his chest telling Jungkook to ease the pain inside his heart.

"Y-ou k-now it's not possi-ble I-  i can't- you -" Jungkook was out of the words

" Please Jungkook I'm begging you love me" Burk kneeled down Infront of the chair on which Jungkook was sitting. Burk grab Jungkook's both hands pleading him

what my "Love" wants [ TAEKOOK]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora