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The biggest CEO of Korea whom everyone know as 'cold ass' was sulking Infront of mirror like a five year old while rubbing the right side of his neck.


Because his Doctor husband who treat the whole Korea gave him a wound.

"Stop wasting time and get ready. I swear if I got late I will kill you" said the hot tempered husband of Kim Taehyung

Seeing the glare he was getting from his doctor husband he gulped and ran towards the bathroom.

So here, they both were getting ready to go to the party which was organized by the hospital for the great doctor 'KIM JUNGKOOK' as Jungkook completed his 100th successful surgery.

Taehyung was alone in the house as Mrs Kim went to the village at her hometown spending some quality time. Jimin and yoongi were going to the party as well. So Taehyung decided to join Jungkook as his girlfriend was also busy in the work which he don't know. From some days the relation between Taehyung and his girlfriend was getting annoyed for Taehyung as his girlfriend always drag his husband between them and say bad about Jungkook.

'lets take a break laia. You are turning into a mad woman' were the last words Taehyung said to his girlfriend.

Taehyung stepped out from the bathroom dressed up looking handsome as hell. But his hand was still on his neck.

As Taehyung entered the room he saw Jungkook Infront of the mirror applying something on his lips.

Taehyung exhale a deep breath but doesn't get the attention he want

Deep breath

Deep breath

Deep breath

"Are you having an asthma attack" Jungkook said looking at Taehyung knowing very well that why the elder is doing this.

"No I'm having JA attack" said Taehyung giving a tight lip smile to Jungkook

"Now what's JA ?" Jungkook asked confused

"Jungkook attention attack" Taehyung answered blinking his eyes trying to act cute

Jungkook shook his head being done with the grown ass baby.

As they both reached the hospital and stepped out from the they got attacked by the flashes of cameras. Soon guards came and help them enters the hospital saving them from the reporters. As they entered the hospital Taehyung let out a breath which he was holding from the moment he saw the reporters and cameraman approaching them.

"Didn't know that my husband is this much famous" Taehyung said teasing Jungkook

"So you took me for granted?" Said Jungkook playfully and both burst into laughter

Soon people start approaching Jungkook congratulating him on his success. After thanking them Jungkook feel like his hand will be separated from his elbow if he shake it with one more person.

Leaving the hall they both made their way towards Jungkook's cabin where all Jungkook's friends were waiting for them

After meeting txt and Jhope they start chatting. At first Taehyung was nervous to talk to them but as the conversation continued he comfortably talked with everyone. Despite being CEO he always had trouble involving in friendly conversation. Formal talk was okay but befriending someone was a big NO for Taehyung. Whenever he tried to make friends his insecurities kicked in.

"You are so dumb"

"Who want you"

" No one want to be with you"

" So dumb"

These words hit differently when said by the person who we love.

Only friend Taehyung had in his school days was Jungkook and after him he made a friend when yoongi get married to jimin.

"Taehyung what happened to your neck?" Questioned hobi with a frown on his face.

When Taehyung listened to jhope his hand automatically goes to his neck.

"Ohh. Hyung. Um here a rabbit yes a rabbit with big teeth bite me here" said eyeing Jungkook who was sitting next to him now glaring at him.

When they all saw Jungkook glaring at Taehyung they all got it how this big purplish circle came on neck.

"Ohhh young love. People these days are nasty" hobi said faking a disgusting face.

Listening to this Taehyung's ears turned red and Jungkook just shook his head minding his own business.

The teasing session continued for almost an hour but got disturbed when Jungkook got called for meeting the special guests of the function.
After Jungkook left

"You seriously love my bestie?" Said Kang Burk who now come to sit with Taehyung.

"What" said Taehyung frowning

"Are you seriously in love with my friend" burk said again

"Why are you questioning this" said Taehyung trying to sound polite

" Just giving you an advice that don't dare to hurt him. There are so many people who want him and will make him happy." Said Burk got up to leave

"I know" Taehyung whispered to himself brain filled with many thoughts


First of all sorry for late and thanks for waiting.
Thanks a_tell_by_teller and beauTAEfulKOOK for waiting and voting.

Do vote 🌟

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