the sleepover pt2 | chapter sixteen

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The one thing that Heather said was that we couldn't do anything inappropriate, which is a bit wild coming from her, but things were already escalating at an unholy level.

Why am I here? It's clear that I have better things to do. But honestly, I, Noah Sterecra, is the only sane one in the house. These people would all be dead without me, and they survived fine on the TV show but in real life is a whole different story.

To start off with, Courtney and Duncan had argued the entire morning, entire afternoon, entire car ride, entire time since they got to Cody's house and would maybe continue to argue for the rest of the night and make out in the dark. 

Bridgette and Geoff, on the other hand, were making out and were the complete opposite of whatever Duncney had going on. I'm glad they haven't been glued to each other the entire time otherwise they would've crashed the car on the way here.

Trent was sitting awkwardly next to Justin, gently strumming the strings of his guitar and blushing furiously, whereas Justin was unbothered. I was really rooting for Gwent but it didn't exactly work out. 

Lindsay and Beth were polluting the house with the smells of hair spray, makeup, lip gloss, nail polish and so many other concoctions, Tyler had been weasled into letting the girls use him as an experiment. 

Cody's house, by the way, is massive. Like a mansion. 

So I didn't see why Bridgette and Geoff could goddamn get a room or why Courtney and Duncan couldn't just go to court already. 

I saw Cody approaching us, walking up the stairs casually.

I got here at 3pm today, which was two hours ahead of when Cody invited us, and he appeared to be having a nap because he had the most adorable bed-head, not that I noticed, and being Cody he let me in. 

It was awkward and I was almost begging for someone else to arrive. It's not our fault. Cody and I have always been close, but Duncan and Heather started making stupid 'Noco' jokes, dragging everyone into it which therefore led to a really weirded out the vibe between us. I did try and talk to Cody, but I'm not the most social person. 

"Okay," Cody said quietly and the chatter ceased, "you all know why you're here."

"Yes," Beth said, still with a ghost of her tongue lasp. "A sleepover!" She and Lindsay squealed and clutched each other's hands. 

"Uh, no, not exactly," he continued before I stomped my foot(can't believe I actually did that) and stood up. "We're here because we have a plan for Sierra." 

"Cool, dudes," Geoff said slowly. "What about Sierra? She seems chill."

"She's not 'chill'," Bridgette said menacingly, glaring daggers at Geoff. "If I remember correctly, she has a sort of obsession with Cody and won't leave him alone?" Bridgette was always so wise, I always knew I liked her better than her pink shirt dumbfuck boyfriend. 

Cody nodded. "Yeah. And it's been five years since World Tour so that says something about her character." 

"I thought she only started stalking you again recently?" Gwen asked intently.

Cody sat down. "In a way, yes. Her obsessions ceased a month after World Tour ended but I don't think she ever stopped stalking me. It's just recently that she's remembered I existed and started up again."

"Because someone decided to add her to the group chat," I said. Everybody looked at Heather. Gwen crossed her arms. "Really, Heath. You'd add Sierra, a well known goddamn stalker, back into the group chat, for drama? You could've put Cody, us and his family at risk. I thought you and Cody were friends or something-"

total drama dumbassesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن