physical combat with harold | chapter thirty seven

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"That's it," I heard Duncan say. "If I hear Sierra's high pitched voice one more time I'm gonna end it. And you, Gwen, hold her down while I punch the shit out of her."

"Save me a kick," Courtney mumbled. She was standing in the corner of the room on her phone, as usual, looking angry. 

"Why do I have to hold her down?" I groan. "I'm not your servant. As if you really did have power over any of us."

"What are you on? I have some power."

"Over who?"


I scoff. "Yeah, right. The only power you hold is shoving his underwear in his sandwich. I thought you would've matured a little, Duncan." I can't believe he and Courtney got back together. Honestly, Courtney and I would've been a better lesbian couple than either of us and Duncan. 

"Who said my name?" Harold said, peeking up from the counter. He was holding a juice box. This party was nothing out of the ordinary as Heather was already drunk, Alejandro was making sure Heather didn't do any dumbass shit, Leshawna and Bridgette were complimenting each other excessively, and Geoff was at Bridgette's heels, following her around.

I'm not sure where Noah and Cody went, honestly. Last time I checked they were in the bathroom, but they could've moved and hid somewhere else.

"Nobody, now fuck off, Harold," Duncan muttered aggressively. Harold looked hurt, but pissed.

"We were, uh," I began, to ease the tension. "We were talking about punching Sierra, and Duncan not being powerful at all."

"I am powerful."

"Okay Henry VIII."

"Physical combat?" Harold looked giddy with excitement. "I took karate classes at summer camp once, and I am a GOD at karate."

"Hm," Leshawna said, "that's debatable." 

"Leshawna, do you believe in me at all?" Harold spun around and decided it was the perfect opportunity to kick Duncan. His foot hit his chin and Duncan's head flailed back. Courtney shrieked.

"Harold," Leshawna said scoldingly, but she was laughing a bit. Courtney was on the floor next to Duncan, but she was laughing too. 

I know what you're thinking. How is it like to be surrounded by all these couples? Well, truth is, I don't really care. I'm happy for them, and they're happy for me. At least I hope they are. I know that one day I'll find someone who suits me better than Duncan did. He was my second boyfriend, and I kind of hated how I was painted as 'the cheater'. Trent and I were so good together, maybe a fan favourite? And then I spoiled it all and everything nice I've ever done has been suddenly obliterated.

Oh, so you weren't thinking that. What were you thinking?

Duncan and Courtney? Nah. Courtney's now one of my best friends, and Duncan and I are on good terms. Sure, we argue a lot, but it's all in the name of friendship (🤗). They're a much better fit. 

"What the fuck was that for?" Duncan said, and got up. He looked angry, but then he smiled. "Do you wanna fight Sierra with me?" 

Courtney rolled her eyes.


total drama fuckers


cody: WHAT

noah: violence is never the answer, harold.

harold: it was duncan's idea

noah: i see

duncan: what? after all this bullshit i still dont get one shin kick? what if i want to defend cody?

noah: you and cody have never had a proper conversation

duncan: fair

duncan: but we're mutuals we should stick up for each other




courtney: what the fuck.

gwen: you know, you could've just talked to us in real life. we're like, all in the same room

duncan: oh womp womp

harold: whats so bad about sierra though? i never talked to her on the show

cody: dont even get me started 

noah: harold dyk kpop groups

harold: YES 

harold: jyp oppa 😍😍

justin: say that one more time and you're not gonna be in the drama brothers anymore

harold: im joking :((

harold: but yes what about kpop groups?

noah: they have a lot of fans like obsessive fans. imagine being a celeb and ppl break into your house and you wake up with some girl in your bed

harold: well

noah: that's basically sierra to cody





cody: not so sure about the last one

duncan: anyways guys thats all for today !! 🤗🤗🤗 go check out my gofundme if you wanna support #CODIERRAISDEAD #JUSTICEFORCODY #SAVECODYANDERSON #NOCOISALIVE 

courtney: soo...yeah! dont forget to smile 🤗🤗🤗


im gonna write them punching sierra next chapter 


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