cody's birthday | chapter fifty two

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(this isn't a continuation from chapter 50, i just wanted to write something for cody's birthday because it's april 1st today) 🥳



Today is Cody's birthday and he completely forgot.

I think he forgets the transit from March to April is even there. Maybe he thinks that today is actually March 32nd. Or maybe he just doesn't care about his birthday, which is weird, because he doesn't strike me as that type of person.

Today it is my job to distract him while Geoff and the rest of the cast set up. Of course, it's my boyfriend's birthday, so I want it to be completely and utterly special, because he deserves the world for being the best partner ever.

"I've been craving Starbucks for the last two days," Cody complained as he boiled the kettle. "But I can't have it, because of the boycott. My coffee can't compare to such heaven they grind at Starbucks." He slammed his head against the kitchen counter gently. "I would kill for a frappucino right now."

"Okay, so go get one. Go kill someone and take their frappucino, you cruel person." I look away unbothered and continue to stare at my book. I can feel Cody's beady eyes stare at me and narrow. 

"I will attack you while you are drinking your silly little mint tea so that the hot water spills all over you and you get a third degree burn."

See, the best boyfriend ever.

"Keep it in your pants, Anderson," I reply evenly, which makes him blush. "The least you can do is injure my pinky."

He grinned and came down to sit next to me and grabbed my arm. "I'm going to get coffee." I heard the jingle of keys and saw Cody bend over to put on his shoes.

"Get me one," I yell.

"Only if you come with me."

"Fine," I say. "Bloody hell."

I see Cody's golden grin as I shuffle down the hallway and put on my shoes, and that makes me feel a little less tired.


total drama throw a party

*noah sent a photo*

noah: so hot

duncan: wtf

noah: right

noah: lets move on

noah: he's contentedly driving to the coffee shop 

courtney: silly cody

bridgette: seriously. you two are so cute together ❤

geoff: ITS GO TIME 

noah: you definitely have enough time to set everything up, ill drag him around the mall

geoff: im making this hawaiian themed 🤗🤗

bridgette: good job honey

justin: im hawaiian 😍

trent: yes bby

duncan: noah i fucking hate you

noah: ok?? and why should i care

dj: woah guys thats not nice :(

heather: dont worry dj, the only way they communicate is like this

alejandro: they're actually best friends

dj: oh okay! bit weird though!

duncan: the cashier keeps looking at me weird

gwen: probably because you're carrying 5 six packs of beer

total drama dumbassesWhere stories live. Discover now