duncan has a problem | chapter thirty nine

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Why did I ever choose to get back together with my ex? 


I don't know why I'm asking because I genuinely don't know either. Duncan has a problem. After punching Sierra and after Harold drop kicked Sierra as well, he must have been a bit drunk because when Sierra was slowly getting up he decided to strip.

So here's how it all happened:

Duncan hatched this 'brilliant' plan to punch Sierra if she bothers him one more time. It was, in fact, not brilliant, but Gwen chimed in on it (I thought she'd be better than him) and there they were, busy scheming. They're so stupid, thought I wasn't listening.

Harold overheard someone say his name and poked his nose into the conversation, resulting in him fatally injuring Duncan by kicking his chin and then Duncan invited him to go battle Sierra. Honestly, it wasn't that big of a deal.

Sierra scuttled over in her heels and exclaimed, "Where's Codykins? I haven't seen him anywhere. I-" She didn't even get to finish her sentence before Duncan screamed a battle cry and kicked his foot into her stomach. Harold jumped forward with hands in a karate sort of manner and started hitting Sierra in the nose.

"Geez, she just asked a question," Justin said. He and Trent reappeared and were watching the brawl. I wanted to stop them, but that would only get me involved.

I got a message from my phone. 

why is there a brawl going on outside?

also duncan kicked sierra and now a fights breaking out

i wouldnt have expected anything else tbh
me n cody are hiding in the toilets 

want an award or smth? and you leave me out here to die with duncan

hes YOUR boyfriend

youve gotta help before we kill sierra
also youve gotta help because duncan will injure her so bad it would be 'attempted murder'

arent you a lawyer?

sometimes lawyers dont do physical fights, noah. 

fine im coming out
but cody isnt

oh good enough

I rolled my eyes.

Noah and I are good friends because we always get together and study. Well, I study. He sits on the side and blabs about his book. We share the same interests, although we easily argue because of his sarcastic nature and my desire to win an argument. 

"I'm here, what's the matter," Noah said loudly, walking down the stairs.

Alejandro said, "Look who finally decided to show up. Help me." He dropped Heather and Heather jumped up and stumbled into the nearest bathroom and threw up noisily.

"You," Sierra said devilishly and growled like an animal. "I know you took Cody. Where is he?"

Noah shrugged it off. "I don't know." He looked to his left and made a disgusted face. "Ew. Duncan, please put your pants back on. That is absolutely rancid." Harold threw Duncan his pants and Leshawna laughed loudly. 

"Now," he said. "What's all this about?"

"He kicked me!" Sierra shrieked. I've never seen her so outraged before. Usually she's more...contained. "Duncan kicked me and so did Harold! Ugh!" She touched her nose, and winced. "My nose is broken now!"

"Oh well," Noah said. "You did deserve it."

"I did not," Sierra said. "You know what? I think it's time for all of you to go. I invited you all to have some fun celebrating my and Cody's engagement, but I guess not! All of you, get out." She glared at me. "And I'll be leaving your stupid group chat too. I'm never letting you see Cody again. You're all bad influences!" She ushered all of us outside before we could find Cody.

It was like a fever dream. I don't remember being pushed outside, but all of a sudden I was on Cody's front step.

"What the fuck," Duncan said. He had pants on now. "What the actual fuck was that?"

"Guys." Gwen scrambled around. "Did any of you get Cody?"


this is so dramatic lmao

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