oh dear | chapter forty two

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I was almost asleep when I heard the notification.

It was about 2:30 in the morning, and I could barely sleep. How could I, when Cody was somewhere out there, alone, with Sierra? 

Sierra needs to realize the rights and wrongs of her actions, and taking Cody hostage is not right. If Sierra and Cody go on a wild goose chase around the globe and we need to do another World Tour, I will hate it. I will hate myself for losing Cody, as I already do. Leaving him alone in the bathroom is my regret.

It sounds pathetic, but I've been texting Cody for a while now. It's been a week since Sierra kicked us out of her 'engagement party' and I've been keeping him updated on what's happening. Honestly, if Sierra reads it, I don't care. It's just about talking to Cody, that's all. I miss talking to him.

hey cody i know its been a while since we've talked. im really worried about you and i miss you a lot. just letting you know we havent given up on you

another day without you, its kind of boring. now how do i defend myself about the gay noco allegations? duncan's pissing me off and his words hit hard

we know you're in london

when are you coming back

will you ever come back?

we miss you a lot

i promise i will find you and when i find you you will be safe

- n

I sound like a clingy girlfriend, but I miss Cody a lot. Even though we are polar opposites in the entire group he may be the only one who gets me. He doesn't match my energy, but he always tries to change it. Cody doesn't drain my energy like other people do. 

And of course, he doesn't know that, and I can't tell him, because he's missing.

Lying in bed, I felt like the stupidest, most pathetic guy in the world. Shouldn't I be out there looking for him, instead of lying awake and sulking about it?  Would Cody ever forgive me for leaving him in that bathroom? Duncan's words started to hit harder as the days ticked by, closer and closer to that trip to find Cody. 

I know he doesn't mean it offensively, but still, can he not?

I saw the blue light from under my eyelids. Honestly, who would text at 2:35 in the morning?


Immediately I knew who it was from. My messages, which hadn't sent, had all sent now and Cody was typing.

you know where to find me

That's right. I do. He's in London-

you always do

And then the bubble disappeared.


total drama fuckers

heather: guys im so fucking mad

gwen: what happened

trent: shit what happened heather

justin: oh dear 🤓 may i remind you its like 2:36 in the morning?

heather: whatever this is important

heather: chris wants to film us trying to find cody and put it on national television

duncan: oh no he dont

courtney: tf? arent you still asleep?

duncan: no

courtney: i can see you down the hallway you look like a fucken rock

alejandro: dont you guys share a bed

courtney: he refused to take the trash out

alejandro: i see

gwen: heather, whatd you say?

heather: i said no, obviously, and that he should ask the rest of you, but then he started using the fine print as a fucking excuse

harold: i dont want to do another season of total drama

duncan: plus, we arent even doing it for money at this point, he just wants money

ezekiel: im not gonna win so whats the point?

leshawna: chris is such a fucking loser

gwen: ^

heather: he said he's going to leave traps over the country for us

courtney: thats pointless, aren't we only going to london?

noah: he's not in london

gwen: what?

justin: how do you know

noah: i just know, cody is not in london.

duncan: stop being an idiot, of course he is? alejandro even used the location tracker

noah: shut up, duncan, i wasn't going to ask for your opinion. if you keep on saying this bullshit about cody and i or saying rude words im actually going to lose my shit. the location tracker isn't always accurate, how do we even know we are tracking sierra? respectfully shut up or else i will make sure you disappear just like cody did.


sorry i havent updated in a while ive been like incredibly busy

test season 

also 2:36 got unpublished and it was the best fucking noco fic ive ever read (except for the kitten comments) so here are some refs in this story

total drama dumbassesWhere stories live. Discover now