the sleepover pt6 | chapter twenty

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"Oh lord," Duncan screeched as he stared at Bridgette and Geoff passionately making out on the couch. They seemed to be in the middle of something. "Get a room, you two, geez. It's not that hard." 

"That's not," Heather began. Honestly, she looked completely lavish even though she was so out of breath. She was like a goddess, but if I ever told her she would stare at me like I was absurd and walk away. 

Bridgette ripped her face away from Geoff's. She giggled, stood up and patted her clothes. "Sorry about that." 

"We really could've used some help back there," I said, staring demonically at them. "But I guess you're too occupied with something else here."

"She said she's sorry," Geoff said, rolling his eyes. "Seems like you have everything handled." Gwen came running back inside, panting. "Okay, so I locked the door and all that, kept Sierra outside and called her mom to pick her up. Her password was Cody's birthday so it wasn't that hard." She slouched down. "God. I can rest now." 

"Good job, Gwen," I said charmingly. She gave me the finger. 

Ever since World Tour ended I didn't have that effect on women anymore, which is bold of anyone to think because I am tall, tan, young and handsome. At least Heather thinks so.

"I think we're done here," Courtney said, crossing her arms over her chest. "I'm going to get food, because it's clear Trent and Justin are off fucking like dogs and will never bring back dinner."

"I'll come with," Duncan said seductively (no he didn't) and ran after Courtney. Gwen still panted on the couch. "Well I'm not moving. I'm too tired." 

"I'm calling my driver," Heather said. "You cannot make me stay here." 

"Come on, cheer up," Geoff said helpfully, "this could be fun! It's been a while since we caught up. We could turn this into like a party or something! I'll get the alcohol." Bridgette glared but didn't say anything.

Heather rolled her eyes. "I hate your parties, Geoff, but I like the sound of alcohol. Plus, this isn't my house so if I throw up everywhere it's not my problem."

Gwen looked at Heather and Geoff, her eyes darting between them nervously. "Did Cody agree to this?"

"Whatever, he's probably off with Noah," Geoff muttered. "Anyways, he's our friend. I'm sure he won't mind."

"If you say so."


ik this is short lmao fuck you

ill write another chapter and its a gc chapter ik you missed them

six chapters of the sleepover ehhhhh im ready to retire lmao i hope these six chapters were good cos im actually feral, coming from me when i read the pov chapters idk how well written they are so gimme advice if its shit and you need me to edit it

also almost 1k reads TYSMMMMMM didnt expect this to blow up but the tdi fandom is crazy

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