the sleepover pt5 | chapter nineteen

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"Where the fuck have Trent and Justin gone," Heather demanded. I rolled my eyes because Trent was an insignificant guitar bitch and Justin had a jawline like my geometry teacher drew him in fifth grade. Not like I ever paid attention to geometry. Stupid subject. 

"I don't know, who cares?" I said. "They're pathetic anyway, and we don't need them. Probably off making out or whatever." 

"Duncan, you're being such a little hoe," Courtney said. "We're all starving and armed like idiots. Seriously, we leave?"

"Yeah," Geoff said, "It's not fair that Trent and Justin get to leave and we're still stuck here with Sie— OW," he got cut off because Bridgette had nudged him sharply in the chest. 

"Even though nothing's happening, it's good to be a nice person and help a friend out," Bridgette said. 

"Last time I had a conversation with Cody was probably when the first season of Total Drama aired," I drawled on, "so no, I don't think we are exactly friends."

"We all went through the same things with the same stupid show host," Noah muttered. "Can't hurt."

"I'm sure something is gonna happen soon," Gwen said encouragingly. I can't believe I kissed her once. I ruined my friendship with her and me and Courtney are fine now but Gwen looks at me like she stepped in dog shit or whatever. I don't care. 

"What if nothing happens?" Alejandro said, crossing his arms over his chest. "What if we just completely wasted time here? God damn because I could've been at a photo shoot and had enough money to—"

"Shut up," Noah said sharply, almost as sharp as Justin's jawline. I'm going to roll my eyes so far into my head they're going to get stuck. "Something's happening."

"Oh gosh, because that makes me care all of a sudden," I said but went quiet as there were giggles outside. 

"Codykins!" I heard Sierra say. Oh God. That's excessive. I mean, you don't see me going around calling Courtney 'Courtneykins' or Heather calling Alejandro 'Alejandrokins'. Only exception is Bridgette and Geoff, their nicknames are absolutely vomit inducing. 

"I've been waiting for you!" Sierra said happily in the distance. "Why didn't you come? And why were you with Noah?" I heard her grit her teeth. Noah looked like he was about to explode. 

"Pfft," I said quietly. Noah slapped me. "Suck my dick," I continued.

"I will politely decline the offer to suck your dick," Noah began, before he saw Sierra kiss Cody on the lips. Noah started boiling.

"Do something, delinquent," Noah said. 

"I dunno, you do something!" I yelled. "He's your boyfriend."

"He's not my fucking—"

"Oh my god," Courtney exclaimed. "Someone do something!"

"Okay?" I spat and kicked the door open, running for Sierra. I never thought I'd be helping this string bean of a boy but here we are. I tried tearing Sierra off Cody but her grip was iron hard. Noah ran around the other side with Heather to try and grab Cody and Alejandro and my princess attacked Sierra. 

"Let go of me," Sierra demanded as the three of us got her away from Cody. "Cody! Are you going to let these people tear us apart?" 

"Sorry," Cody said and ran away, locked himself in the bathroom with Noah. 

"You stupid bitch," Sierra said, turning around. She seemed feral as she struck Courtney in the face. "You're all fat traitors—"

I didn't have to think to punch Sierra deeply in both sides of her face. Nobody touches Courtney, and even though she's capable of fighting herself, it can't help to hurt. 

"Did you just fucking—" I started, but Courtney cut me off.

"DID YOU JUST FUCKING HIT ME?" she yelled and started to get aggressive. In other circumstances I would've been glad but we're all not going to go to jail. For me it's like the fifteenth time. Courtney threw her arms around Sierra's bulky shoulders. 

Sierra's hair was in snarls like a wild animal, I almost felt sorry for her. Hah. Who am I kidding. I would have drop kicked her if she weren't already on the floor hissing. 

"Stupid stupid girl," Courtney said and lugged a screaming Sierra to the entrance. "Go away and leave Cody alone. I can't believe we all had to go through this shit just to get rid of you. It's been a waste of time. Take a hint that he doesn't like you, little idiot. Go cry about it to mommy." Then she shoved Sierra outside, grabbed handcuffs (I don't know where she got them), cuffed her and left her sobbing, screaming and writhing on the doorstep.

Courtney just did that, and she looked hot doing it? That was the one thing that separated her from Heather. 

"I guess we're done here," she said calmly, put down the pan she was holding and walked quietly back into the kitchen. She screamed.


please god i am so tired

ik its short dont come at me

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