Chapter 7: Kisses

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His kiss was hot like our bodies and he kissed me so passionately. I had never been kissed really by anyone at all that wasn't just a slobbery lick for their perverted need to make me feel filthy. This was blowing my mind! Before I knew it we had taken a few steps back into the shadow of the stall and I knew nobody else was around. It was the final chores of the day and we were the eldest of the groups so we did all of the locking up in the evenings. I had done well to show no emotions about working side by side with Jensen around my house parent Leanne. She knew I was a good girl and very timid around boys so there had been no suggestion for chaperoning between us.

I wasn't scared at all by his demeanor or the way he took control of this make-out session. I knew I had no idea what to do and I didn't want to know how he did. I just wanted to learn. Jensen was very careful not to touch me anywhere that might be considered a precious area nor did he get too forceful with his hands in my hair. I found myself kind of wishing he would pull my hair a little to have better access to my neck but I fought the temptation to give any signals. What if what I desire isn't what girls are supposed to like or want? What if I am some kind of wierdo because of my past?

I didn't feel like a weirdo right now and I didn't feel like I was doing anything wrong either. I mimicked how he moved his tongue in my mouth and let my body move under his guidance like melted butter in his hands. I wanted him to put me in all the places that he wanted me to be but at the same time, I didn't want him to touch me below my waste. He hadn't offered to try and that made me much more comfortable with him.

"How do you know me like this?" he asked me. "How can you move with me and put me under a spell like the one I am under when I'm with you? I feel like your heartbeat is my heartbeat and I'm not whole without you. Can I taste you a little while longer?" He asks this all in between kisses and nibbles on my ear and neck. As if I have any control over myself at this moment. I am his to do with as he pleases as long as he stays in the safe zone. Like some sort of animal, I push him against the side of the stall and kiss him deeper and I bite his lip just softly as I run my fingers through his hair.

It's just to his jawline and shaggy from the day of work. When he is dressed nice for Sundays he spikes the top of his hair a little and it's longer than the sides that are kept very neatly trimmed. I can picture him stepping out of the shower with his hair wet and hanging in his eyes. It makes me want more from him but I have to stop this now. I don't know who I just became or what movie I had seen her in but she was about to get herself in deeper than I was ready for her to. I stop the kiss and look into his eyes. He looks like he is in pain from desire for me and I can tell he is really holding himself back. I have let this go too far. If I stop now, will he accept that or try to force me? I feel myself getting a little scared and feeling stupid for thinking I could behave that way with a boy alone in a barn. No, a man. This is a man, he isn't just a boy.

I started shaking unbeknownst to me at the time and I stepped back a few steps. I stuttered "I, I'm sorry I don't know what came over me. Please don't" and he stopped me with a finger on my lips. "I told you I would never hurt you or make you do anything and I mean it. I don't care how far we go if you say stop or act unsure I'm done. My God woman what have you done to me? Do that again anytime you feel the urge" he laughed. I'm a little embarrassed by that but kind of proud too. I liked knowing I made him feel that way. Maybe next time I can feel more confident.

One more soft kiss and then we walked back to the houses where we resided. He walked a few yards behind me so it didn't appear we had been close during final chores. After seeing I was in safely he disappeared into the dark doorway of his house. Me? Well, as for me I just melted into the floor inside my bedroom door... This had to be the definition of "dreamy".

I couldn't believe all that had just happened and my head was reeling from all the emotions I had surfacing. "Sissy! sissy! Listen to my clarinet. I am so close to getting first chair in class. Tell me how it sounds" Leslie cheers. I snatch her up and give her a big bear hug kissing her all over her face. I manage to choke down my excitement to prepare myself for the concert about to be performed just for me. I love this child so much. I don't know what I would do without her. I snack on the popcorn and wonder why she is eating popcorn while practicing her instrument, but quickly dismiss it as she starts to play.

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