Chapter 13: A New Moon

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Jensen continues to tell me how we are supposed to smell like what turns one another on because "it's in our chemistry" he says. "The next thing I tell you is going to take you by surprise and you might have a hard time believing it so I'm going to ask you some questions. It will help you to realize I'm telling you the truth. Sound ok?" Now I'm very intrigued by this conversation and equally as eager to hear what was coming. He's saying this like he knows some sort of secret of mine. Could he have known anything from my past besides what I had told him? I don't want to know. Please don't let it be that. "Get on with it then Jensen. I don't know if I like where this is going." I say

He says "Calm down this isn't a bad thing I'm getting at. It's a truth but you need to know it. The way I met you was by chance. I wasn't sent here necessarily, but the Ranch was suggested to me by some family friends who knew I was traumatized and that I needed a special kind of therapy to get me through the situation I was in. I had big shoes to fill because I would need to step into my dad's role in the community and until I could calm down that wasn't going to happen.

I needed another year on me anyway and then once I was an adult I could take his role with no questions. We have a tight-knit community. Almost like a big family. So the longer-standing members of our board suggested placing me near my assumed mate would help me see clearly. I know that sounds a lot strange, but they believe you are who I am supposed to, well you know, be with." I am amazed at the fact he just called me His Mate. I mean whaaaat? I can't even register what I heard just now. "Jensen you damn sure just did call me your "mate". You said that like it was normal. That is not normal!

"I understand it sounds like an absurd thing but let me explain their belief of it would you? We have a culture that has very distinct historical roots. Probably the most intricate family tree any family has ever documented. It's quite beautiful actually. It stems from the origin of our people until now. The first of our people was considered to have been created by a moon godess and she chose whom would be mated to who in order to create strong bloodlines and a balance in nature.

We were called terrible things like monsters. It comes with what some people call a curse and others call a blessing. No matter what you call it there are still others who say it is evil, but I can assure you it isn't." I interrupt him "Did you just say evil? Jensen this is bazaar. I didn't know we were meeting out here to tell ghost stories. Can you get real?" He tells me he is being very serious and that if I would pay attention it might answer some questions I had not even realized I was harboring. I hush and decide to let him say what he needs to say and then decide how I will respond.

He goes on to tell me that we aren't like other people. We have a trait in our blood that makes us different and it gives us certain abilities. Being able to smell our favorite scent on our partners and having very good hearing and vision, including having what seemed like better vision in the dark compared to day. I did have all those things it seems. He then said something that was out of this world. "Joleen we are royalty in our communities. We are what is known as lycanthrope. We call ourselves lycans."

I look at him like he has just told me that we are in the movie Twilight and he is Jacob and I'm about to trip. I mean come on now. And if that crap is true why he can't be the vampire?" He whips his eyes up to mine and says "Hey I resent that." I said "resent what?" because I know I didn't say that out loud. "That is another thing that happens when you are lycan. You can create a mind link with someone and your thoughts are communicated. I think you will get the hang of it but for now, you start them sporadically and I catch your thoughts.

I immediately blush because I know he heard me say he was sexy that day in the barn. I just know it because he looked straight at me and smiled. "Did you hear me that day in the barn?" He smiled again and said, "Yep." I could die. Ok, but he's telling me now that I am a werewolf mate and have special abilities, and heck yeah I would rather shine like diamonds in the sun than be a sweating dog in it. I told him just that and he laughed uncontrollably. I am not impressed. I am going to need more than that sir, sorry but I'm not falling for it. Then he looked away from me and I heard him in my head say "I think you're sexy too." He didn't say that to me he thought it and I heard it.

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