Whats with him?

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Y/N's movements were methodical as she changed out of her gear, the fabric of her fresh clothes offering a small comfort against her skin. She climbed into bed, her body sinking into the mattress, a silent plea for rest. As sleep claimed her, her breaths deepened, but peace was not to be found.

The nightmare began as a whisper, a shadowy echo of laughter and love, before twisting cruelly. The faces of her family flickered in her mind's eye, their smiles bright but fleeting. Darkness encroached, and the laughter turned to screams, the warmth of her memories consumed by the cold grip of loss. She saw them again, lifeless, their eyes void of the affection she yearned for, leaving her with a gaping chasm in her soul. Y/N fought within the grip of the dream, seeking an escape, but the nightmare held her fast, a relentless reminder of what she had lost and the reason she continued to fight.

The knock at the door jolted Y/N from her torment, her eyes snapping open as she was wrenched back to reality. She rose slowly, her body protesting with fatigue, and made her way to the door. Upon opening it, there stood Soap, his presence a stark contrast to the darkness of her dream, his demeanor ever cheerful.

"Hey," Soap greeted, his eyes scanning her face with a mix of concern and camaraderie. "You look like you've been through the wringer. Everything alright?"

Y/N mustered a half-hearted smile, the remnants of the nightmare still clinging to her. "Just the usual dream," she replied, her voice a touch weary.

Soap's expression softened. "I get it," he said. "Listen, we're all hanging out for a bit, taking a breather. Fancy joining us? Might do you some good to relax with the team."

Y/N nodded, a grateful glimmer in her eyes. "Yeah, that sounds good, actually," she said, a genuine smile beginning to edge out the exhaustion.

Together, they walked down the corridor to Soap's room, the sound of their footsteps a rhythmic beat in the otherwise silent space. As they entered, Y/N noticed Gaz lounging comfortably, his casual attire a change from his usual gear. And there, to her surprise, was Ghost. In casual clothes, he was a different sight from the masked enigma on the field. His shirt hugged his frame, hinting at the strength beneath, and Y/N couldn't help but notice how it accentuated his muscular build. It was a rare glimpse of the man behind the mask, and for a fleeting moment, Y/N's thoughts lingered on the sight.

However, before she could delve deeper into those thoughts, Soap's voice broke through, "How about a game of Uno? Nothing like a bit of friendly competition to take the edge off, right?"

The simplicity of the moment, the camaraderie, and the chance to just be normal for a while—it all washed over Y/N, casting her darker thoughts aside as she prepared to join in the game with her teammates.

The cards shuffled between hands, the vibrant colors of Uno reflecting off their faces as they all settled into the game. The banter was light but competitive, each player throwing down cards with a mix of strategy and playful jabs.

"Ha! Take that, Gaz," Soap exclaimed with a triumphant smirk as he slapped a Draw Four on the pile, only to receive a mock scowl in return.

Y/N chuckled, joining in the fun while tossing a Wild card onto the stack. "Sorry, not sorry, Soap," she teased, enjoying the easy back-and-forth.

Ghost, true to form, was a man of few words, his comments simple yet pointed, often accompanied by a knowing look or an amused tilt of the head. He played his cards close, both literally and figuratively, adding an air of quiet mystery to the game.

Between turns, Y/N found her gaze drifting to Ghost. Even in the laid-back atmosphere, there was something undeniably captivating about his presence. She admired the way his casual clothes presented a different aspect of him, a contrast to the soldier they all knew.

"What are you made of?" a Ghost x reader fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now