now is my moment.

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With a sense of urgency, I leaped out of the vehicle, my heart pounding in my chest as I secured my gear tightly in my grip. The building loomed ahead, its darkened entrance beckoning me forward. Ghost's whereabouts were known, and I was determined to reach him before it was too late.

As I approached the entrance, I could see Gas stealthily making his way in through the opposite side, his movements calculated and silent. The tension in the air was palpable as I carefully navigated my way towards the building, my senses on high alert.

The vehicle that had brought us here was expertly hidden from view, blending seamlessly into the shadows. It was a testament to our meticulous planning and preparation. But now, as I stood on the threshold of the building, it was time for me to step into the spotlight and fulfill my mission.

Every fiber of my being was focused on the task at hand. I took a deep breath, steeling myself for what lay ahead. With determination in my eyes, I knew that this was my moment to shine, to face the challenges head-on and emerge victorious. And with that thought in mind, I pushed forward, ready to confront whatever dangers awaited me inside.

The building stood imposingly before me, its weathered brick exterior hinting at a long history of secrets and shadows. The entrance was flanked by crumbling columns, their once grandeur now faded with time. As I stepped inside, the musty scent of decay mingled with the faint aroma of dust, creating an eerie atmosphere that sent shivers down my spine.

I could hear the faint echo of footsteps reverberating through the halls, a telltale sign that I was not alone. A man, clad in dark clothing, moved silently through the corridors, his presence ominous and foreboding. He circled each hall meticulously, his methodical approach suggesting a familiarity with the layout that was both unsettling and disconcerting. It took him exactly two minutes to complete his rounds before disappearing into the shadows.

Undeterred, I followed in his footsteps, making my way down each hall with caution. The dimly lit corridors seemed to stretch endlessly before me, the shadows playing tricks on my mind. As I moved forward, I encountered men hiding in the shadows, their intentions clear. With swift and precise movements, I subdued them, their bodies slumping to the ground in silence.

Despite my efforts, there was no sign of Ghost. The building seemed to hold its secrets close, concealing his whereabouts with an insidious cunning. I knew that time was running out, and I needed to find him before it was too late.

Occasionally, I would receive a check-up from Gaz, his presence a reassuring reminder that I was not alone in this dangerous mission. He, too, was searching for Soap, another member of our team who had gone missing. As we continued our search, the tension in the air thickened, each passing moment bringing us closer to a confrontation.

As I eavesdropped on the conversation between the two Russian men and the scrawny hotshot, their voices mingled in a tense exchange.

"Vladimir, you know what to do. Get the information we need from the prisoner," the scrawny man barked, his tone dripping with authority.

Vladimir, a burly man with a stern expression, nodded curtly in response. "Da, boss. We will take care of it," he replied in a gruff voice.

The other Russian, a younger man with a nervous energy about him, shifted uncomfortably before speaking up. "But boss, what if the prisoner doesn't talk? What then?"

The scrawny man's eyes narrowed, his voice laced with menace. "Then you will make him talk, Mikhail. Use whatever means necessary. We cannot afford any slip-ups this time."

Mikhail swallowed nervously, his gaze darting between his boss and Vladimir. "Understood, boss. We will handle it," he stammered, his confidence wavering.

With a dismissive wave of his hand, the scrawny man turned away, his presence casting a shadow over the room. The two men exchanged a wary glance before obediently making their way towards the basement, their footsteps echoing ominously in the hallway.

As I watched them disappear from view, a sense of urgency washed over me. Time was running out, and I knew that I had to find Ghost before it was too late. With a steely resolve, I prepared to confront whatever dangers lay ahead, determined to rescue our comrade from the clutches of the enemy.

As I eavesdropped on the conversation between the two Russian men and the scrawny hotshot, their voices mingled in a tense exchange.

"Vladimir, you know what to do. Get the information we need from the prisoner," the scrawny man barked, his tone dripping with authority.

Vladimir, a burly man with a stern expression, nodded curtly in response. "Da, boss. We will take care of it," he replied in a gruff voice.

The other Russian, a younger man with a nervous energy about him, shifted uncomfortably before speaking up. "But boss, what if the prisoner doesn't talk? What then?"

The scrawny man's eyes narrowed, his voice laced with menace. "Then you will make him talk, Mikhail. Use whatever means necessary. We cannot afford any slip-ups this time."

Mikhail swallowed nervously, his gaze darting between his boss and Vladimir. "Understood, boss. We will handle it," he stammered, his confidence wavering.

With a dismissive wave of his hand, the scrawny man turned away, his presence casting a shadow over the room. The two men exchanged a wary glance before obediently making their way towards the basement, their footsteps echoing ominously in the hallway.

As I watched them disappear from view, a sense of urgency washed over me. Time was running out, and I knew that I had to find Ghost before it was too late.

Silently, I followed the two burly Russian men down into the basement.

"What are you made of?" a Ghost x reader fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now