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Spade settled onto the couch, removing her gas mask to reveal tired eyes and a scar that cut across her face. She fixed her gaze on Y/N, her expression unreadable as she spoke in a cold and harsh tone. "What did you do now?" Spade's voice held a hint of exasperation, her demeanor unyielding as she waited for Y/N's response.

Y/N, feeling a mix of frustration and sadness, took a deep breath before speaking. "It wasn't me, Spade. It was one of my teammates on the mission for Task Force 141. They think I'm a spy because of their actions," Y/N explained, her voice tinged with desperation. "I did everything I could to prevent it, but I couldn't stop them."

Spade listened intently, her features betraying little emotion as she processed Y/N's words. Her sharp gaze bore into Y/N, a silent judgment hanging in the air. "You know the consequences of failure," Spade stated bluntly, her tone unwavering. "You put us all at risk with their mistakes."

Spade's piercing gaze bore into Y/N, her expression hardening as she absorbed Y/N's explanation. "Running away from your responsibilities won't change anything, Y/N," Spade's voice was sharp, cutting through the air with a cold edge. "You let your emotions cloud your judgment, and now we're all paying the price for it."

Y/N flinched at Spade's words, the weight of her mentor's disappointment pressing down on her like a heavy burden. "I-I didn't mean to let it happen," Y/N stammered, her voice tinged with a mix of shame and defiance. "I thought I could handle it, but everything spiraled out of control."

Spade's expression remained impassive, her tone unwavering as she continued to reprimand Y/N. "In this line of work, emotions are a luxury we cannot afford," Spade's words were stern, a reminder of the harsh reality they operated in. "You need to learn to control yourself, Y/N, or else you'll endanger us all."

As Spade's words echoed in the room, Y/N took a deep breath, her mind racing with thoughts and emotions. "I understand, Spade," Y/N spoke, her voice steady and composed as she met Spade's gaze.

"To think you're working with them and that Kortac soldier... you know you have to return, Y/N," Spade's voice was firm, her gaze piercing as she locked eyes with Y/N. The weight of her mentor's words hung heavy in the air, a stark reminder of the gravity of the situation.

Y/N felt a pang of guilt and shame wash over her at Spade's words. The mention of the Kortac soldier, a notorious figure known for their ruthless tactics, only added to the mounting pressure she felt. "I understand, Spade," Y/N replied, her voice tinged with resignation. "I'll do whatever it takes to make things right and earn back your trust."

With a determined nod, Spade pulled out her phone, her fingers deftly typing a message. The room fell into an uneasy silence as the weight of the situation settled between them.

"I am contacting Laswell, and she will relay where you are to your highest officer. You know we aren't on good terms with the military, Y/N. But I trust Laswell," Spade's voice was firm, her tone carrying a sense of urgency as she relayed her plan to handle the situation.

Y/N's heart sank at the mention of involving the military, knowing the delicate balance they had to maintain with their strained relationship. "I understand, Spade," Y/N replied, her voice tinged with a mix of apprehension and determination. "I trust Laswell too.."

Spade's gaze softened slightly, a flicker of understanding passing through her eyes. "We may not always see eye to eye with the military." Spade explained, her voice carrying a note of caution. "Stay vigilant, Y/N. We can't afford any more missteps."

As Spade continued to coordinate with Laswell, Spade's phone buzzed with a message from Laswell, her brows furrowing in concern as she read the words on the screen. The news of Y/N's teammates going dark, with Ghost and Soap missing in action, sent a chill down Spade's spine. Gaz and Price were on the case, but the situation was dire.

Turning to Y/N, Spade's expression was grave as she relayed the troubling information. "Y/N, there's been a problem. Your teammates have gone dark, and we need to get back to base immediately," Spade's voice was urgent, a sense of urgency lacing her words. "Ghost and Soap are missing, and Gaz and Price are trying to figure things out. We need to move fast."

Y/N's eyes widened in alarm at the news, the gravity of the situation sinking in. The bond between teammates ran deep, and the thought of Ghost and Soap in danger sent a shiver down her spine. Without hesitation.

As they drove to the 141 base, Y/N's mind was consumed by worry over the dire situation with their missing teammates. The tension in the vehicle was palpable, the weight of the unknown hanging heavy in the air. Spade drove with determination, her expression focused as she navigated the road ahead.

Y/N glanced out the window, the passing scenery a blur as her thoughts raced. The fear of the unknown gnawed at her, the uncertainty of their teammates' fate weighing heavily on her mind. She couldn't shake the feeling of dread that had settled in the pit of her stomach, the urgency of the situation driving her to the edge of despair.

Spade's presence beside her offered a sliver of comfort, a silent reminder that they were in this together. Y/N drew strength from Spade's steady presence, a beacon of hope in the midst of the storm. As they neared the 141 base, Y/N's heart raced with a mix of anticipation and dread, the unknown awaiting them like a specter in the shadows.

"What are you made of?" a Ghost x reader fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now