Gute Nacht, meine Maus.

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König stood in the living room of the cottage safe house, his eyes lingering on Y/N as she peacefully slumbered in the cozy armchair. His typically immaculate appearance was relaxed, with his dirty blonde hair tousled and his baby blue eyes reflecting the warm glow of the room's soft lighting. Dressed in comfortable checkered sleep pants and a white tank top, he exuded a sense of ease that was rare for him.

Approaching Y/N with silent steps, König gently lifted her from the chair, feeling the weight of her body against his chest. She stirred slightly, but remained asleep, her features softened in the dim light. He carried her with care to the room designated for her stay, the rustic design creating a sense of tranquility that matched her peaceful demeanor.

As he laid her down on the queen bed, König couldn't help but admire the way she seemed to belong in the room, her presence adding a touch of warmth to the otherwise empty space. Tucking her in with a tenderness that surprised even himself, he watched her for a moment, her breathing steady and her expression serene.

With a soft smile playing on his lips, König leaned down to whisper in German, his voice a gentle murmur in the quiet room. "Gute Nacht, meine Maus," he said softly, the endearment slipping easily from his lips. Goodnight, my mouse. And as he stood there, watching over her sleeping form.

Leaving Y/N's room, König closed the door softly behind him, the click of the latch echoing in the hallway. Making his way to his own room, he entered to find his gear scattered across the floor, a stark contrast to the neatness of the rest of the cottage. His sniper rifle lay on the bed, its sleek metal frame gleaming in the soft light filtering through the window.

Picking up the weapon with practiced ease, König set it against the wall, its presence a reminder of the dangerous world he operated in. Sitting down at his desk, he pulled out his phone and quickly typed out a message to Price, detailing the events of the day and assuring him that she wasn't suspicious of the situation at the safe house. He knew Price would appreciate the update and the reassurance that everything was under control.

With a flicker of concern, König added a question about Ghost and Soap, the two operatives currently on a mission to uncover a mole within. He hoped they were making progress and staying safe, their skills and determination a source of confidence in the face of uncertainty. As he hit send, a sense of anticipation filled him, the outcome of their mission crucial to the safety of the team and the success of their operation.

After sending the message to Price, König clicked off his phone and leaned back on his bed, the soft mattress providing a moment of respite from the weight of his responsibilities. He let out a deep sigh, the tension in his muscles slowly dissipating as he allowed himself a moment of quiet reflection.

Speaking aloud to himself, König acknowledged that everything seemed to be going according to plan at the safe house. However, a nagging sense of duty prompted him to consider reaching out to the rest of his squad back at Kortac headquarters. They were a tight-knit team, each member an integral part of their missions, and he felt a sense of responsibility to check in on their well-being.

As he lay there, thoughts of his comrades swirling in his mind, König made a mental note to contact them soon.

After spending hours in bed, restlessly tossing and turning, König found himself unable to sleep. With a sigh, he sat up and reached for his sniper rifle, a familiar weight in his hands. Determined to occupy his mind, he gathered cleaning supplies and meticulously began the process of maintaining the weapon, ensuring it was in perfect working order.

The quiet of the room enveloped König as he focused on the task at hand, the gentle click of the cleaning tools against the metal of the rifle echoing in the stillness. The moonlight filtered through the window, casting a soft glow over him as he worked, the silvery light dancing on his features like a ghostly veil.

Lost in the rhythmic movements of cleaning and inspecting his weapon, König found a sense of calm in the meticulous routine. Each stroke of the cloth and careful examination of the parts was a form of meditation, a way to center himself and clear his mind of the swirling thoughts that had plagued him earlier.

As he continued to work, the moonlight bathing him in its ethereal glow, König felt a sense of purpose and clarity wash over him. In that moment, with only the soft sounds of cleaning filling the room, he found a fleeting sense of peace amidst the chaos of his world.

König's hands moved swiftly and instinctively as he heard the telltale creak of the floor outside his room. His grip tightened on the small knife he had picked up, his senses on high alert as he silently moved into the darkened bathroom adjacent to the door. The tension in the air was palpable as the door slowly creaked open, revealing a shadowy figure entering the room.

Without hesitation, König sprang into action, pouncing on the intruder and slamming them against the wall. With a firm grip, he held their arms above their head, his left hand exerting pressure while his right hand held the knife steady against their throat. In the dim light, he could make out the features of the person before him, and to his surprise, it was Y/N.

Her short hair, a shade of H/C, caught the moonlight and shimmered softly. Her eyes, a captivating shade of E/C, widened in fear as they met König's intense gaze. The realization of his actions dawned on him, and he quickly released her, the knife dropping from his hand as he took a step back, his expression a mix of shock and concern.

"Y/N, I... I thought you were an intruder," König stammered, his voice laced with regret. The adrenaline of the moment slowly ebbed away, leaving a lingering sense of unease in its wake. As he looked at her, her eyes filled with a mixture of fear and confusion, he knew he had startled her, and he silently berated himself for his hasty reaction.

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