wakey wakey pt.2

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Gaz spoke with a mischievous smile, informing Y/N that it was the first day of training with them, but they needed to head out to grab some supplies. Y/N, still laughing from the unexpected wake-up call, playfully threw her pillows at the two boys, her face flushed with embarrassment.

"Come on, Y/N, we've got a big day ahead of us," Gaz said, dodging the flying pillows with a grin. "We need to get going if we want to be prepared for whatever comes our way."

Y/N tried to stifle her laughter, her cheeks pink with a mix of amusement and embarrassment. "You guys are ridiculous," she exclaimed, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "But fine, let's get this training started."

As Gaz and Soap made their way out of the room, Y/N couldn't help but chuckle at the playful banter and camaraderie. Despite the unexpected wake-up call and the ensuing chaos, she knew that she was in good hands with her team.

Y/N rose from the floor, shaking off the remnants of the prank, and quickly changed into a sleek, tight-fitting black shirt and durable cargo pants. She laced up her black combat boots, the sturdy leather providing a sense of readiness for the day ahead. With her hair pulled back into a practical ponytail, she headed into the bathroom to freshen up, taking care of her morning routine with efficiency.

After brushing her teeth and ensuring she was fully prepared for the day, Y/N left her room and made her way down the hallway to Gaz's room. The confident click of her boots against the floor echoed through the corridor as she walked with purpose, her mind focused on the training that awaited her.

As she reached Gaz's door, Y/N took a deep breath, steeling herself for the challenges ahead. With a determined expression, she raised her hand to knock on the door.

Gaz opened the door with a welcoming smile as Soap sat on the bed, absorbed in a book, a content smile on his face. Gaz playfully tossed a pillow at Soap, a reminder that it was time to go. Soap, wearing a tucked gray tight-fitting shirt and green cargo pants, closed the book and joined Gaz and Y/N at the door, ready for the day's mission.

Gaz informed Y/N that Price had requested them to head to the next town over to pick up a few essential supplies. With a nod of understanding, Y/N prepared herself for the task at hand, eager to prove her skills and dedication to the mission.

The trio made their way to the front doors of the base, the anticipation of the day's mission hanging in the air. They approached a sleek black car, with Gaz taking the driver's seat, ready to navigate the roads ahead. Y/N settled into the backseat, her mind focused on the tasks that awaited them in the town beyond.

As the engine roared to life and the car pulled out of the base.

As they drove off, Soap leaned over to Y/N and spoke softly, "Hey, just so you know, we're heading to the town to pick up some items we all need. But, uh, Gaz, and I didn't exactly tell you the whole truth. This wasn't a mission Price asked for. It was honestly something we planned to get you out of your slumpy mood."

Y/N looked at Soap in surprise, a mixture of emotions crossing her face. She felt touched by their thoughtfulness but also a twinge of betrayal for not being informed of the true reason for their outing.

Gaz caught her gaze in the rearview mirror and offered a sheepish smile. "Sorry for the deception, Y/N. We just wanted to cheer you up and have a little adventure together. We thought a change of scenery might lift your spirits."

Y/N couldn't help but smile at their sincerity, feeling grateful for such caring teammates. "Thanks, guys. I appreciate the gesture, even if you could have been a bit more upfront about it," she replied, a hint of amusement in her voice.

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