Chapter 10: A night out reward (lemon)

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We see the news talking about the incident that happened at Rio and how a criminal group has been arrested for kidnapping Harpy's for money only to be stopped by Iron Man. Thanks to Y/n Stark, he is building a nice and safe place for the Harpy's to live in peace without any hunters that may try to hunt them for money.

This news is broadcast at a fancy restaurant as we see Y/n sitting there and watching the news across of him as the waiter came by and hand his water which he takes a drink.

Soon Kuroko came over while wearing a fancy black dress as she sat across from him and tells Y/n.

Kuroko: Sorry about that, there were a lot of paperwork to be done and let me tell you it's frustrating.

Y/n: (chuckle) I can tell. Still glad you came Kuroko.

Kuroko: Well good to be here. You have no idea how i wanted to relax. So what about you? How are the girls?

Y/n: Really good. Jarvis is watching them and helping them anything they need.

Kuroko: Sounds good. I bet they give you a lot of attention?

Y/n: Yeah a lot actually. Especially Miia.

Kuroko: (giggle) Well they are lucky to have you.

Y/n: Yeah they are lucky.

They turn to the news to see War Machine and his heroic actions helping out the military as Kuroko ask Y/n.

Kuroko: You okay with this?

Y/n: Huh?

Kuroko: I mean if I recall your grandfather doesn't like selling his own weapons to the military so I was wondering if your okay with this?

Y/n: Well for one thing it's technically isn't his. I mean he did made the suit but he give it to a friend of his which he use a lot so Yeah.

Kuroko: Oh I see. Well it seems he's been responsible with the suit.

Y/n: Seems like it.

Soon their food came and they begin to eat. While they eat Kuroko ask Y/n another question.

Kuroko: So your going to continue your hero work?

Y/n: Of course. I'm sure crime came back up after I left to Rio so yeah there is a lot of work to do tomorrow.

Kuroko: You know you could make multiple drone like suits that can-

Y/n: Bad idea.

Kuroko: Why?

Y/n: Trust me...its a bad idea.

Kuroko: Alright then. (Smirk) To be far I kinda like a man who take things the hard way.

Y/n: Is that so?

She nodes as the two continue to have their meal until they were finished and we see the two climbing onto Y/n's limo and driving off.

In the limo Y/n shows Kuroko something cool as he pulls out a hologram pad and opens up a hologram screen that turns on to a show which impresses Kuroko .

Kuroko: (smirk) I'm gonna have you work on my car whenever I come by.

Y/n: (smirk) There are more surprises I made to this limo and other future projects I'm working on. One of which that a limo can transform into a armor station for me to gear up into my suit.

Kuroko: (smirk) Sounds quite interesting. You really do share your grandfather's intelligence.

Y/n: Yep.

Kuroko: What other projects are you going to work on?

Y/n: A lot of things which I won't go into but it would make things more better to this city and the world.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Feb 13 ⏰

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