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"Boss, received intel that Bogum has seized control of truck 7 in Ilsan," Jimin reported to Taehyung.

"Let him enjoy his games. No need to worry. I've outsmarted him already. I foresaw his next move and set up an explosive on the truck. He can revel in his victory for now," Taehyung assured with confidence.

"But, sir, what about the shipment of drugs in the truck? If it explodes, we'll forfeit a significant deal."


"Boss, your phone's ringing," Junghee alerted Bogum.

""Any idea who's on the line?" Bogum asked, taking a drag from his cigarette in the back of his car while en route to inspect Taehyung's confiscated truck.

"It's Viper," Junghee announced, and Bogum swiftly answered the call.

"Talk or hold your peace," Bogum stated, and Viper chuckled in response.

"Are you tying the knot today? Anyway, I rang you for a reason. You better scrap your plan for that truck. It's void."

"What do you mean it's void? My crew hasn't even inspected it yet, so what's the deal?"

"I monitored the tire pressure from when the truck departed Jungkook's place until you seized it. It's steady, indicating no extra load. So, the truck is empty. Instruct your team to vacate the truck immediately."

"You got him, Junghee. Order our guys to clear out right away."

Junghee acknowledged and placed the call. After a short while, he faced Bogum.

"Viper's prediction was accurate. The truck detonated," Junghee exclaimed.

"I expected as much. Viper's predictions are spot-on. Drive me back to my headquarters."


Taehyung filled a wine glass while on his mansion's balcony, gazing at the city. Memories of the previous night flooded back, Jungkook's face etched in his mind. The ache in his rear was a stark reminder of Jungkook's forceful advances. Determined to track down this man, he reached for his phone, only to be interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Searching for me, sweetheart?" Jungkook quipped, causing Taehyung to spin around abruptly. There he stood, radiating confidence, as Taehyung grinned and took a sip of his wine. Clad in a leather jacket and denim, despite his tousled hair, he exuded even more allure than usual.

"If you're present, it's a sure sign that my security system must be flawed," Taehyung remarked.

"I reckon not. Perhaps it's simply because I excel in my craft."

"And what might that be?"

"Hacking. It's more of a side gig for me."

"In that case, you must be quite skilled at hacking," Taehyung remarked, retrieving his phone from his pocket.

"Take out Jisung," he commanded before hanging up.

"I've barely been here a minute, and you're already issuing death sentences."

"He's the one who designed my security system. If you can breach my home so effortlessly, what's the point of him being around?"

Jungkook disdainfully watched as Taehyung emptied his wine glass, hurling it over the balcony. In a sudden, intense motion, Taehyung shoved Jungkook while passionately kissing him. Jungkook responded eagerly, pulling Taehyung into the room and guiding him onto the bed. As their kisses persisted, Jungkook discarded his jacket and, with a firm grip on Taehyung's neck, broke the kiss.

"From the moment I spotted you across the bar, my sole desire has been to make love to you endlessly, day and night.

"Why delay any longer?" Taehyung urged, seizing Jungkook's head to prolong their kiss. Swiftly, he turned him around, breaking the kiss, and firmly grasped his chin.

Jungkook grinned, sensing the chilly metal against his crotch.

"Who are you, and what brings you here? It's inconceivable for a part-time hacker to breach my security system. So, either reveal your true identity, or I'll make you regret it," he threatened.

"Alright, you caught me. I'll disclose my true identity, but please remove the gun from my groin. That area is quite sensitive," he pleaded.

"I don't follow commands from anyone."

"But you seemed quite compliant when I instructed you to part your legs last night, hmm?" he teased, causing Taehyung to blush. Rising abruptly, Taehyung adjusted his suit while gazing at Jungkook, who removed his undergarments, leaving him in just his jeans and his striking visage.

"The dull introduction or... alright, alright," he quipped upon noticing Taehyung aiming the gun at him. Seated upright on the bed, hands behind his back, he tilted his head, meeting Taehyung's gaze.

"I'm Jeon Jungkook, an undercover operative."

"Incorrect," Taehyung retorted, cocking the gun.

"Fine, fine, I'll spill. I'm a hacker. A full-time hacker."

"Working for?"

"No one," Jungkook responded, and Taehyung tilted his head.

"Dead serious. I answer to no one."

"And then?"

"Hacking's my calling. I pour my heart and soul into it. That's why I excel."

"Understood," Taehyung remarked, setting the gun down and lighting a cigarette.

"Now that you've spilled the beans, can we pick up where we left off?"

"Not feeling it. And to set the record straight, I'm not privy to all your secrets. I don't trust you, so..."

"Really? And you welcomed me into your home, impressive."

"I didn't invite you in. You barged in, and now someone innocent will bear the consequences," he mentioned, exhaling smoke slowly, which Jungkook found entertaining.

"Mind if I join in? I smoke too."

"I couldn't care less," Taehyung retorted, striding towards Jungkook, leaning in until their faces were mere inches apart. He took another drag, then passed the cigarette to Jungkook, who kissed him lightly before taking a puff. Holding the cigarette in one hand, Jungkook used the other to open Taehyung's mouth, blowing smoke in before sharing a deep kiss.

The smoke danced around them as they kept kissing, with Taehyung guiding Jungkook until he landed on the bed. Removing his suit, Taehyung climbed on top of Jungkook.

SHATTERED TRUST: LOVE AND BETRAYALWhere stories live. Discover now