Twenty seven

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Bogummy, finishing his breakfast with a calculated calmness, finally addressed Jisoo's accusations. "I heard you didn't eat breakfast," he remarked casually, his tone betraying a subtle amusement. Jisoo, still perched uncomfortably on his lap, shot him a disdainful look, but before she could respond, he signaled Junghee.

With a mere flick of his hand, Junghee understood the command and swiftly brought another plate of food. The air grew heavy with a new layer of tension as Bogummy, with an unsettling mix of authority and indifference, took a piece of food and brought it to Jisoo's lips.

She recoiled instinctively, resisting the forceful attempt to feed her. "I can eat by myself," she protested vehemently, but her words seemed to fall on deaf ears. Bogummy, seemingly unmoved, persisted, the act of feeding becoming a physical manifestation of his control over the situation.

Junghee, standing by obediently, watched the scene unfold, his expression unreadable. The dining room, once a battleground for words, now witnessed a silent struggle for dominance. Jisoo, caught between her own defiance and Bogummy's forceful insistence, found herself in a position where resistance seemed futile. The air became charged with a palpable sense of power dynamics, leaving the room with an unsettling stillness as the breakfast encounter took an unexpected turn.

Despite Jisoo's protests, Bogummy persisted, stuffing food into her mouth with a cold determination. The room echoed with the discomfort of the forced encounter, and Jisoo's attempts to resist were met with an unyielding force.

In the midst of this unsettling scenario, Jisoo suddenly choked on a particularly large bite. Her eyes widened in distress, desperately trying to swallow the food lodged in her throat. Bogummy, seemingly indifferent to her struggle, calmly instructed Junghee, "Bring water."

Junghee, ever the obedient figure, swiftly appeared with a glass of water. Bogummy, taking the glass from him, turned his attention back to Jisoo. The room hung heavy with tension as he forcefully fed her the water, each sip a reminder of his control over the situation.

Jisoo, caught between the discomfort of choking and the forced administration of water, felt a renewed sense of helplessness. The dining room, which had become a stage for their power play, now witnessed an even more intimate struggle, leaving an unsettling atmosphere in its wake. The air seemed charged with a toxic blend of defiance and submission as Bogummy's calculated actions continued to push the boundaries of control.

The room, already thick with tension, was interrupted by the entrance of one of Bogummy's men. His hurried demeanor conveyed urgency as he whispered something into Bogummy's ear. A glint of annoyance flickered in Bogummy's eyes before he signaled for the man to bring the woman inside.

As the woman in charge of the guest list from the previous night's party was forcibly brought in, her attempts to escape evident, Bogummy's cold gaze focused on her. Simultaneously, he signaled for Junghee to approach.

Junghee, complying with the silent command, carefully lifted Jisoo from Bogummy's lap. As he stood, carrying her away, Jisoo's discomfort was palpable, her eyes shooting daggers at Bogummy. The room was filled with an unspoken tension as the focus shifted to the woman who had attempted to run away.

Bogummy, indifferent to Jisoo's disdain, watched as the woman was dragged inside by her hair. The air was thick with a sense of control and brutality, leaving an unsettling atmosphere in its wake. The room, once a stage for a power play, now witnessed the manifestation of Bogummy's dominance in a more brutal form, adding another layer of complexity to an already charged scenario.

Bogummy, his expression hardened, ordered his man to halt. The room fell silent as Bogummy approached the woman, his gaze piercing through her attempts to hide the truth. "Why did you invite Taehyung and his entourage to the party?" he demanded, his voice low and demanding answers.

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