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The atmosphere in the lavishly adorned room was charged with an air of opulence, a stark contrast to the darkness that lurked beneath the surface. Guests, adorned in glamorous attire, mingled under the glittering chandeliers. Amidst the praise and flattery, Bogummy stood, a portrait of success, as the guests lauded him for his seemingly boundless achievements at such a young age.

"Mr. Park, your accomplishments are truly commendable. Acquiring the Yoo estate and establishing your name – it's a feat worthy of admiration," one guest exclaimed, raising a crystal glass in a toast.

Bogummy, with a cold smile masking the turmoil within, responded graciously, "Thank you. Hard work and determination can indeed yield remarkable results."

The praise continued to cascade upon him, each word fueling his ego. Yet, as the festivities unfolded, the facade of celebration masked the dark reality beneath, a reality woven with pain, control, and the shattered lives of those ensnared in Bogummy's web of dominance.

As Bogummy basked in the admiration of the guests, a lone waitress moved gracefully through the crowd, her eyes hidden behind the mask that concealed her emotions. Amidst the sea of congratulatory voices, her gaze lingered on Bogummy, not with admiration but with a sinister intensity that betrayed a hidden agenda.

Her steps were measured, her tray laden with crystal-clear glasses delicately placed. With each move, she maintained a composed exterior, but her eyes betrayed a story of resentment and defiance. The mask on her face concealed the identity of her emotions, yet her piercing stare cut through the facade.

Bogummy, engrossed in the flattering words of the guests, remained oblivious to the waitress's silent animosity. Little did he know that amidst the veneer of celebration, a brewing storm of revenge and rebellion lingered in the gaze of a seemingly inconspicuous figure. The masks, worn by all the waitresses, concealed not only their faces but also the myriad of emotions simmering beneath the surface, revealing a tale of defiance in the midst of an ostentatious celebration.

Bogummy, catching the suspicious gaze of the waitress, felt a tinge of unease crawling up his spine. The intensity in her eyes stirred a curiosity that demanded satisfaction, but before he could discreetly confront her, the grand entrance of Taehyung captivated the attention of the entire party.

Taehyung's arrival was nothing short of spectacular. The room hushed as the door swung open, and the spotlight shifted from Bogummy to the charismatic figure that had just entered. Dressed in impeccable style, Taehyung commanded attention, his presence overpowering the subtleties of suspicion that had momentarily gripped Bogummy.

The guests, momentarily distracted from their admiration of Bogummy, redirected their attention to Taehyung. The air filled with whispers of awe, and the party atmosphere reached a crescendo as Bogummy found himself compelled to join in the applause for Taehyung's entrance, temporarily setting aside the enigmatic gaze that had raised his suspicions.

Taehyung, exuding an air of regality, walked into the venue with Jungkook at his side, cradling Tannie in his arms. The entourage that followed was a visual representation of authority and power, each member moving in synchronized coordination, creating an aura of strength around Taehyung.

The room fell into a respectful hush, the whispers of conversation diminishing as all eyes turned towards the charismatic figure. Tannie, the innocent presence in Jungkook's arms, added a touch of warmth to the imposing scene. Taehyung's charisma filled the space, overshadowing the previous focus on Bogummy and redefining the energy of the entire gathering.

Bogummy's initial reaction to Taehyung's entrance was a flare of anger, his features contorted in frustration at the unexpected intrusion into his celebration. The grandeur of his party momentarily eclipsed by the presence of Taehyung, a figure he had hoped to keep at bay.

However, a sinister smile gradually crept onto Bogummy's face as he saw an opportunity in Taehyung's attendance. The festivity around him became a backdrop to his plotting mind, and in that moment, Bogummy saw the chance to settle the score once and for all. The initial annoyance transformed into a calculated satisfaction, as he envisioned using the party as a stage to confront and potentially eliminate Taehyung, securing his dominance over Aecha's life and legacy.

Bogummy's eyes inadvertently locked onto Tannie, Taehyung's daughter, at the party. A subtle shift occurred within him as he noticed the striking resemblance she bore to Aecha, the woman he was obsessed with. Tannie's innocent presence momentarily softened Bogummy's calculating demeanor, and an unexpected tenderness washed over him.

The bustling party seemed to fade into the background as Bogummy's attention became singularly focused on the little girl. In that moment, an unintended connection was formed—a silent acknowledgment of the bond between Tannie and the woman he desired. The scene became a tableau of contrasting emotions, with Bogummy's hardened exterior momentarily thawed by the sight of Aecha's daughter.

A sinister determination etched across Bogummy's face as he watched Tannie with a possessive gaze. In the midst of the lavish party, he quietly vowed to himself that he would take Aecha's daughter away from Taehyung. To Bogummy, Tannie represented a connection to Aecha, and in his distorted mindset, he believed that the child belonged to him just as Aecha did.

The air thickened with a sense of impending danger as Bogummy's fixation on Tannie intensified. Unbeknownst to the unsuspecting guests, a darker plot was brewing within Bogummy's mind—one that involved claiming Tannie as a possession, a twisted extension of his obsession with Aecha.

Amidst the opulent party, Bogummy and Taehyung engaged in a cryptic exchange, their words wrapped in layers of veiled meanings and hidden intentions. As they spoke in parables, the atmosphere grew tense, a subtle undercurrent of hostility flowing beneath the surface.

Bogummy, with a sly grin, remarked, "The flowers in my garden have blossomed beautifully, but there's a thorn that needs attention."

Taehyung, maintaining a calm facade, responded, "Thorns may prick, but the roots run deep. They withstand storms, unyielding."

The metaphor-laden conversation continued, each sentence a chess move in the intricate game they played. To the oblivious onlookers, it was an exchange of pleasantries, but between the lines, it was a battle of wits and veiled threats, each man trying to outsmart the other without exposing their true intentions.

Taehyung, with a curious gaze, inquired about the acquisition of Aecha's father's property, "Bogummy, my friend, how did you manage to secure such a grand estate?"

Caught off guard, Bogummy hesitated for a moment, his mind racing to concoct a plausible explanation. "Oh, you know, Taehyung, fate favored me. A series of fortunate events, strategic investments, and a stroke of luck led me to this prosperous outcome."

Taehyung arched an eyebrow, skepticism evident in his eyes. "Fortunate events? That seems vague. Care to share the details?"

Bogummy, fabricating details on the spot, continued with an air of nonchalance, "Well, I happened to stumble upon a unique business opportunity, and my investments flourished beyond expectations. It's amazing how things align when you least expect it."

Taehyung, though maintaining composure, wasn't convinced. "A unique business opportunity, you say? Quite intriguing. I'm sure many would love to hear the specifics."

Bogummy, trapped in his web of lies, smiled faintly, "You know how it is, Taehyung. Sometimes, the best opportunities come when you least anticipate them. Let's just say I made the right moves at the right time."

The conversation hung in the air, an unspoken tension between the lines as Taehyung continued to scrutinize Bogummy's dubious explanation.

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