Twenty six

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Junghee, without a hint of warmth, instructed Jisoo to lie down, his words carrying a tone of authority. Complying, she reclined, her expression stoic as he prepared to apply the substance to her stomach. The room felt charged with an unspoken tension as his hands approached her skin.

As Junghee began the application, Jisoo, unexpectedly, flinched. It wasn't a reaction to pain; rather, it seemed to be a response to the coldness of his touch. Her eyes briefly betrayed a vulnerability, a subtle discomfort that lingered beneath the surface. The atmosphere between them, already chilly, gained an added layer of complexity as the touch-induced flinch revealed a vulnerability that transcended the physical application of the substance.

Junghee completed the application with a clinical efficiency, the cool substance now coating Jisoo's stomach. As his hands retreated, a chill lingered in the air. Unbeknownst to him, a swarm of butterflies danced in Jisoo's stomach, a subtle fluttering that hinted at the emotional turmoil beneath.

Feeling the need to regain composure, Jisoo hesitated before quietly requesting, "I need to use the bathroom." Junghee, maintaining his cool demeanor, allowed her, and she carefully wrapped a huge towel around herself. With deliberate steps, she stood up, navigating the room, but the pain from the kicks inflicted by Bogummy intensified.

Just as she approached the bathroom door, the pain overwhelmed her, causing a sudden falter in her steps. The world tilted for a moment, and with a stifled gasp, Jisoo lost her balance. The huge towel billowed around her like a fleeting shield as she crumpled to the floor, a mixture of physical and emotional pain painting the scene with an unexpected twist.

Junghee, maintaining a detached demeanor, stood up as Jisoo struggled on the floor. In an unexpected display of authority, he instructed, "Put your arms around me." Jisoo hesitated, a mixture of pride and pain etched on her face. Despite her resistance, Junghee's stern voice cut through, "It's not a choice."

Reluctantly, Jisoo complied, wrapping her arms around him as he effortlessly lifted her from the floor. The huge towel clung to her like a fragile shield as he carried her towards the bathroom. The air was thick with tension, a silent battle of wills playing out between them.

Upon reaching the bathroom, Junghee carefully lowered Jisoo into the bathtub. She winced at the contact with the cool surface, her vulnerability briefly exposed. Without a word, Junghee exited the bathroom, leaving Jisoo alone, surrounded by the echoes of their unexpected confrontation.

As Jisoo lay in the bathtub, the chill of the porcelain seeping through the thin layer of the towel, a complex array of emotions played across her face. A mixture of pain, frustration, and a tinge of vulnerability lingered in her eyes. She had been unwillingly carried to this point, and her reluctance was evident in the way she clutched the towel tightly around herself.

As the door closed behind Junghee, leaving her alone in the bathroom, Jisoo's gaze wandered to the tiled walls. Silent tears traced delicate pathways down her cheeks, blending with the droplets of water that clung to her skin. The unexpected turn of events had left her emotionally raw, and the cool confines of the bathroom offered a momentary refuge for her to grapple with the turmoil within. The echoes of their confrontation lingered in the air, and Jisoo found herself wrestling not only with the physical pain but also the unexpected complexities that unfolded between them.

Junghee, breaking the silence, re-entered the bathroom to find Jisoo composed, though the traces of vulnerability still lingered. Without a word, he gently lifted her from the bathtub, his movements careful and measured. As he carried her out, there was an unexpected gentleness in his touch, a contrast to the earlier detachment.

Once in the room, Junghee guided Jisoo to sit on the edge of the bed. He fetched a beautiful, simple gown, and with a meticulous attention to detail, began to dress her. The fabric draped elegantly around her, transforming her appearance from the vulnerable figure in the towel to someone poised and refined.

Junghee then took a comb and ran it through her hair, the rhythmic strokes creating a soothing cadence in the room. As he worked, a quiet understanding seemed to pass between them, transcending the earlier tension. The act of dressing and grooming became an unexpected bridge, forging a connection that went beyond the complexities of their interactions.

Jisoo, now adorned in the gown with her hair neatly combed, sat there, a mix of emotions playing on her face. The room held a lingering sense of transformation, as if the physical changes mirrored a subtle shift in the dynamics between Junghee and Jisoo.

Seated in the room, Jisoo couldn't contain her curiosity any longer. Looking at Junghee, she questioned with a furrowed brow, "Why do you work for someone as heartless as Bogummy?" His response was measured, shrouded in vagueness, "Circumstances are complicated."

Without delving further into the intricacies, Junghee redirected the conversation, informing Jisoo, "Bogummy is downstairs and he wishes for you to join him for breakfast." The idea of breaking bread with the man who had inflicted pain upon her stirred a vehement refusal from Jisoo. "I won't," she asserted with determination.

However, Junghee, faced with her adamant refusal, seemed to have no other option. With a resigned sigh, he scooped her up, cradling her in his arms once again. Jisoo resisted, but her protests were met with a silent resolve as Junghee carried her downstairs, the clash of wills evident in the air. The impending breakfast meeting with Bogummy loomed, bringing an air of uncertainty to their already complex interactions.

As Junghee carried Jisoo downstairs, the atmosphere shifted upon entering the dining area. Bogummy, seated at the table, wore a mischievous smile as he observed the struggle in Jisoo's expression. With a casual yet commanding gesture, he signaled Junghee to bring her closer.

Junghee, following the unspoken command, approached Bogummy with Jisoo still in his arms. The room was filled with an uncomfortable tension as Bogummy's gaze lingered on Jisoo, his smile holding an unsettling mix of amusement and authority. He gestured for Junghee to place her on his laps, and reluctantly, Jisoo found herself seated in the lap of the man who had caused her pain.

The dining table, once a place of shared meals, now became a stage for an unexpected power play. The mischievous smile on Bogummy's face hinted at ulterior motives, leaving Jisoo and Junghee caught in a web of complexity. The air hung heavy with unspoken tension as the trio embarked on an unconventional breakfast encounter.

Seated on Bogummy's lap, Jisoo felt the weight of her hatred intensify with each passing moment. The room buzzed with the sounds of breakfast being consumed, a stark contrast to the emotional turmoil brewing between them.

Unable to contain her frustration any longer, Jisoo's voice rang out in the air, "You're the worst son-in-law." Her gaze bore into Bogummy, expecting a reaction. However, his face remained stoic, as if her words were inconsequential.

Undeterred, she pressed on, "You've caused pain, inflicted suffering. What satisfaction do you derive from it?" The room seemed to tighten with tension as Bogummy continued to eat, displaying an almost careless disregard for her accusations.

The heated conversation unfolded, with Jisoo laying bare her deep-seated resentment, each word a sharp indictment against Bogummy's actions. The air was thick with the bitterness of her emotions, and yet, Bogummy seemed unfazed, as though her anger was just another fleeting inconvenience.

The dining table, once a symbol of shared meals and familial connections, had transformed into an unexpected battleground. Cutlery clinked against plates, punctuating the charged atmosphere as Jisoo confronted the man who had disrupted her life so profoundly. Her words echoed in the room, each syllable a testament to the pain he had caused.

Bogummy, seemingly impervious to her emotional outpouring, continued to eat with a calculated indifference. It was as if he relished the discomfort, finding satisfaction in her futile attempts to provoke a reaction. The clash of wills continued, the breakfast table becoming a stage for a silent war of words, leaving the room heavy with unspoken tension and the bitter taste of unresolved grievances.

SHATTERED TRUST: LOVE AND BETRAYALOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora