Return of the Robot

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G/n = Grandson name

S/n = Son name

M/f = Museum friend

W/n = Wife name

S/n = Street name

R/n = Road name

M/n = Mansion name

Two doors open revealing a dark room then a light turns on revealing the BunVac6000 passing it for a light to turn on revealing the Mind Manipulation-omatic with a chair under it and objects around going to the right near the wall the light turns on revealing the Bread-O-Gunner aiming at targets with holes in the centre.

Near the targets a pair of doors open going inside turning right lights turn on revealing the Soccamatic aiming at a goal with tubes in area's and a few soccer balls are on the floor passing it for a light to turn on revealing the 525 Crackervac with a table filled with crackers next to it going to the left near the middle of the room a light turns on revealing a dummy wearing the Bully Proof Vest the boxing glove comes out.

Right behind it in the centre of the room a light turns on revealing a table with the Turbo Dinner hovering over it near the wall the light turns on revealing the Snoozeatron the hatch opens in front of the bed and the Snoozeatron against the wall moving along the wall the light turns on revealing Shopper 13 at the front with the other 12 different Shopper behind it.

Behind them the doors open going inside going forward lights turn on revealing the Snowmanotron in a glass cube for snow falling showing a snowman next to it passing it to the left lights turn on revealing shields around the AutoChef with fresh plates on the floor near the shields.

Moving to the right the lights turn on revealing the Christmas Cardomatic facing a window, moving to the left a pair of doors open going to a wall the lights turn on revealing the Tellyscope with a few couches and chairs facing it the TV turn on showing the Cheese Files passing it lights turn on revealing the Knit-O-matic.

Passing it to the left the lights turn on revealing the Techno Trousers with a mark in front of it passing it to the right the lights turn on revealing the Bed Waker tilted up to a hatch that's open slowly moving away from them to a pair of doors open going inside in the dark room slowly moving forward to see a round platform then two large hatches open revealing the moon and the moonlight shines on something big on the platform the lights turn on revealing the Moon Rocket.

Inside a home in the living room lying on the floor is a boy with h/c watching TV watching a show walking into the room is S/n who ask "G/n still watching TV" Nodding keeping his eye on it G/n said "Year my favourite show is on" Suddenly the channel change "Hey" It showed the news the Reporter said "We interrupt this program for a special report".

S/n sits on a chair behind G/n who said "Turn it back" Smiling the Reporter said "The great Inventor Y/n L/n has decide to make an announcement" Leaning forward S/n ask "Dad's making an announcement" Leaning up on his elbow's G/n ask "What is he going to say" The Reporter said "We go live on the museum".

The screen shows the Museum to see reporters and civilians standing at the stairs looking at a lectern talking to one another until the doors open and using a cane to walk out is Y/n L/n with grey hair wearing a jacket that's open revealing a tie and white button shirt and long black pants with black shoes standing at the top the civilians cheer and photographers snap photos.

Joining Y/n is a Golden Retriever name Gromit the 5th who looks to Y/n who pat him before walking down the stairs and Gromit joins him until they the lectern as S/n and G/n stare at the TV watching Y/n put the cane on the side holding it making everyone go quiet.

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