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Just like what Yeojin and Jiwon expected, they are being subjected by those eyes as they entered the SNU campus.

Despite wearing the ID visitor pass, the two felt like they are committing the crime of trespassing to a private property. With those judging eyes directed at them, they walked through the campus and made it to the 'foodcourt' Sora has told them on their gc.

And it definitely took them approximately ten minutes as they did not know the way around inside the campus even though Yeojin had already stepped a foot in the university years ago.

Seoul National University is big. Definitely bigger than their school and they won't deny that. The thing that they would deny, however, is how the university they are standing is better in any type of way than YONSEI.

Yeojin and Jiwon sat at one of the benches under the Acacia tree. Still, all eyes are looking at them, judging them.

"This is so awkward, I want to disappear. " Jiwon commented, looking at her phone as if it's the most interesting thing at the moment.

Yeojin bit her bottom lip. Jiwon is right, it is so awkward to do anything as every student in the area is looking at them while whispering to their friends.

Just like what Jiwon did, Yeojin took her phone from her blazer and started scrolling to her socials, reading everything in her screen just to avoid everyone's gazes, although she could feel them.

It took them half an hour to arrive at the SNU from Yonsei and they are supposed to wait for Sora ten minutes after their arrival.

But ten minutes has passed, Sora still hasn't made her appearance.

"You going somewhere? " Jiwon asked when Yeojin stood up.

Yeojin shook her head. "I'll just go buy something to drink. I'm thirsty. "

"Buy Cola for me too. "

Jiwon nodded before going to one of the stalls. She ignored the people looking at her.

I should've changed my uniform.

She thought, thinking it's the reason why they couldn't take away their judging eyes away from them.

Yeojin bought a cola for Jiwon. She moved from one stall to another and another, trying to find a mogu-mogu drink. She sighed when she arrived at the last stall.

I swear to God, if this campus doesn't have that mogu-mogu....

Yeojin's eyes widened upon seeing the drink she's craving being displayed in a chiller. She walked towards it but stopped midway when someone opened the chiller and took the drink she's about to get.

Her eyes directed to the bottle and followed it with her eyes.

"My drink..." She whispered.

The man who took the mogu-mogu stopped on his tracks, a meter away from Yeojin. His eyes darted to her uniform and to the logo imprinted to it. It's Yonsei's.

He contemplated a little before taking a step closer and raised the bottle mid air, giving her the drink.

Yeojin blinked, confused. She looked up and was about to ask the person but she caught her breath upon taking a look of who the person is.

It's a man. A fine looking man, wearing a tucked in white polo, standing in front of her. He is somewhat familiar though.

Yeojin's eyes widened upon remembering where he saw the man.

He's the one in uaask! One of the new players!

"You can have this. "

Fucking hell even his voice is so attractive! AND WHAT THE FUCKING HELL AM I THINKING?! He's from SNU gosh!

Yeojin immediately took the drink and thanked the man before going to the seller and paid for the drink before instantly going to the table where Jiwon is.

"Why are you red? "

"Huh? "

Jiwon pointed to her face. "Your face is red, what happened? "

Yeojin's face widened as her hands began touching her cheeks. She whispered, "What?! "

"If I didn't know you, I would be thinking you're blushing. But that wouldn't make sense because we're literally here in SNU, there is no way you'll have a reason to blush about. " Said Jiwon before drinking her Cola.

"You're right! " Yeojin agreed. "Why would I? "

Yeah, why would she? It's not like she saw something. Or someone.

Yeojin opened her mogu-mogu and began drinking it.

"That's what I'm saying. " Jiwon agreed.

Yeojin choked from her drink when she saw the same man from earlier, making his way to one of the tables filled with men near them.

"Oh my god, Yeojin. Are you okay?! " With Jiwon's dramatic tone, they have earned everyone's attention. Again.

If they have the students' attention directed to them by being there earlier, well now, even the sellers and staffs, even the ones who started minding their own business, are now looking at them.


Yeojin looked at the direction of the fine ass man and her eyes instantly widened when their eyes met. She immediately averted her gaze and set it to Jiwon instead.

"Remind me to sew your lips later I swear, I'm so close of banging my head right now." She spoke.

Jiwon was about to retort but Sora has finally made her appearance.

"I'm sorry it took me so long. Let's go? "

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