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Yeojin opened her door and immediately found the person who has been wrecking her mind— her whole sanity lately, standing right in front of her unit's entrance.

He is leaning against the wall, both hands buried deep into his pockets with his head hanging low.

"Heeseung? " She called him.

Instantly, the man lifted his head then looked at her. His half lidded eyes and crimson ears did not go unnoticed to Yeojin.

Tipsy tipsy.... You're clearly drunk.

The corner of Heeseung's lips tugged upward as he pull himself off the wall. He stood right in front of her.

"Yeojin, " his voice is raspy and low.

Yeah, totally drunk.

She thought, pursing his lips.

But what the hell, most attractive drunk man ever!

She cleared her throat and tried to put a calm demeanor despite the overwhelming feeling inside her which caused by the mere presence of the man.

"Heeseung it's past midnight already, " she said in a matter of fact tone. "Why are you even— why are you laughing? What's funny? "

Heeseung, who was snorting and chuckling, shakes his head. His half lidded eyes directed to her. "Didn't I tell you I want to see you? "

"Jesus Heeseung. Again, it's past midnight already, " she replied, trying to make sense to the other.

"And? "

Yeojin, stay calm. You cannot scream in front of him— Lord, give me the strength to conceal my emotions!

"And now that you see me, you should go back to your friends. They're probably looking for you. "

Heeseung snorted. "Nah, they're passed out in Rik's unit. "

"Then you should rest now too, you're clearly drunk....or tired, or whatever. Tipsy, if you say so. "

Instead of answering her, Heeseung chuckled and shook his head.

Yeojin sighed. She didn't think the man— this man, has this kind of side, stubborn and clingy.

Am I complaining? No.


Yeojin's word was cut short when Heeseung suddenly took a step forward and wrapped his arms around her form while stating,  "I just wanna see you, baby. " with his raspy voice.

What. The. Fuck.



Yeojin blinked, too stunned to even move a muscle. She couldn't find her words as her heart started hammering inside her chest. Her mind couldn't believe, couldn't comprehend what the man uttered.

Lastly, she couldn't believe him hugging her tightly in front of her unit. His hands, wrapping around her torso.

Didn't know what to do, Yeojin slowly lifted her hands and lightly rest them behind him, hugging the man back. She swallowed hard, the scent of the man entering her nostrils.

He smells good.

They stayed there silently hugging each other for a couple of minutes. The silence, however, was interrupted when Heeseung called her.

"Yeojin? "

Yeojin hummed.

"Can I ask you something? " He added.

Out of instinct, she nodded. "S-sure. "

Please don't ask me related to science and chemicals.... That's my weakness!

"Why do you hate our university? "

Much to her surprise, Heeseung's question isn't related to academics which she is grateful at the moment as her head isn't functioning at the moment with the man being this close to her.


"You implied multiple times about your hatred to our university unbeknownst that I study there. " Heeseung leaned back and looked at her with his half lidded eyes. "Was it because our schools are rivals? "

Yeojin did not answer so he continued. "That must be the reason. "

Truth be told, her hatred towards the SNU isn't really because it's their rival school. In fact, she didn't care at all. She just disguise and use the 'rival' card to cover the real reason.

This conversation reminded Yeojin of the phrase she always say before, never again. But look at her, doing it again.

"It's not the real reason. " She whispered.

"Hmm? "

"I think you need to rest now, Heeseung. "

"No, tell me. I want to know so I would know what to do. "

Yeojin didn't hear the last part of what he said. She sighed.

Really stubborn.

"I'll tell you once you're sobber—" she paused, "Not tipsy but completely sobber. I promise. "

Heeseung stared at her for a few seconds before he finally nodded. "Alright, Yeojin. "


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