Episode | 11

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Ronin entered the bar at precisely 6 pm. The time his godfather set for their weekly drinks, no matter the day. Eli was already at the counter, their usual spot, nursing a glass of whisky. The man was nothing if not a creature of habit. As Ronin approached, the bartender set his drink on the counter. Bourbon. Neat. Ronin's usual. He was a prisoner to his habits as well.

Ronin slid onto the stool. Picked up his drink. Swirled the glass under his nose, inhaling the sweet, smoky aroma with hints of charred vanilla and oak.

"And what did you think of our Kaliope?"


Ronin sipped his drink, relishing the spiciness on his tongue and the smooth, warm finish. His godfather lacked subtlety in his scheme, and Ronin wasn't of the mind to indulge him. "I reserve my comments."

His godfather chuckled. "As always. Perhaps you are too reserved?" He sipped his brandy stinger. "And how's she blending with the team?"

"Inola wants to be her bestie." Ronin shook his head, aghast he was familiar with the common vernacular. Inola supplied him with a heavy stream of colloquial phrases like the bugger-faced human as she called the man Kaliope almost castrated with a knee.

Ronin pinned his godfather with a sideways glare when he burst out laughing.

"Those two." Eli fought to silence his amusement. "I'm surprised the fox demon hasn't whittled her way out of her contract. Putting up with you all these years is no small accomplishment."

Inola wiggled out of her contract years ago. She knew Ronin was aware, and both of them ignored it. In any case, appeasing his father's resentment had been a formality. It lessened the fallout of her breaking into their estate on a dare. Foxes were renowned for their demon-clad contracts and ability to dismantle even the most intricate binding clauses.

Inola stayed with Ronin for over a decade, despite his disposition of her own accord.

You're my friend, even if I'm not yours.

Guilt pinched at Ronin for not returning the camaraderie Inola offered. Although he never explained it, holding her at arm's length was for her sake. Of course, she'd want a friend when he was no good, and she was the third wheel with Gale and Gideon.

Eli slapped Ronin on the shoulder. "Live a little, my boy. Duty doesn't stir the blood, does it?"

"If my father heard you..."

"Tell him I said it." A flash of amber shone in his godfather's eyes, and for a brief moment, Eli's aura brushed his like a coarse, wire brush against sensitive skin. "See what he can do about it."

"Will you ever tell me what's between you and my father? You used to be best friends."

Eli regarded his drink, swirling it in his glass. "Opposing philosophies. Irreconcilable differences. Your father chose his path. It would break my heart if you chose his way and ended up alone."

"I'm not alone. I have my work, my team. And you're one to talk. When will you settle down?"

Eli signaled the bartender for a refill. "Perhaps never. Some chances are once in a lifetime, especially for us. I lost mine. Don't lose yours. It..." He considered for a moment. "Hurts."

"Then you should appreciate why I'd like to avoid the same fate. Personal relationships are tedious." And being a McIntyre wasn't for everyone.

"Life is tedious and monotonous if we stick with the same old systems and routines. We become stagnant." Eli paused and sipped his drink. "Restless."

A tinkle of ice hitting glass underlined Eli's point scoring a mark.

Ronin considered his conversation with his godfather on the drive home. The man was dropping not-too-subtle hints about why he orchestrated Kaliope's entrance into Ronin's life. It wasn't to provide his mentee with gainful employment. Or to lessen Ronin's workload with the addition of a team member.

The older man was matchmaking. Was godfather insinuating Kaliope Barnes was a chance? Ronin sniffed at the ridiculousness of it and loosened his tie. Her being human aside, the woman was a pool of unsorted marbles. Her work history was proof. Him? And her?

Ronin had enough to contend with between his responsibilities at Sage and his brother joining the team. Andreas was a wildcard he had to keep an eye on. Underneath all that charm and bluster, something else lived. No one else saw it, but Ronin had always been aware. It made him edgy. Always on alert. Andreas joining Sage Tower complicated his life enough without adding an ill-advised office romance to his list.

He drummed his fingers on the steering wheel while waiting for a red light.

Some chances are once in a lifetime, especially for us. I lost mine. Don't lose yours.

The sadness in his godfather's voice. Eli Reynolds wasn't a lone wolf by choice. Who had he lost? He'd never been married. And if his godfather dated when Ronin was younger, he held no recollection.

Ronin's phone rang, and he answered it.

"Ronin McIntyre."

"Mr. McIntyre, this is Katerina Kelmor. I have one of your associates with me at my shop. She's unconscious. Her ID says her name's Kaliope Barnes."

That damned woman.

She'd be the very last person he chose as a mate.

"I'll be right there."


To read the entire first season, along with Seasons 2 and 3, join me on Ream. The link's in my bio on the home page. Hope to see you there.

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