Episode | 34

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Kaliope rolled her neck, massaging the tension in her shoulder. She paused, watching Ronin in his office. He'd withdrawn from the team somewhat in the past couple of days, burying himself in work. It wasn't unlike his habit, but there was something off with him. More distant.

"Worried about the boss?"

Kaliope jumped at Inola's question. The fox demon snuck up on her from behind. Kaliope sniffed. Grabbed her jacket.

"Worried? Why would I be worried? Lycans don't die easily. A little paperwork shouldn't kill him." But she was worried about Ronin. The man shouldered the burden of the entire team. The entire company. He was actively involved in Occult cases, but he oversaw the Noccult departments as well. When did he sleep? Even when the others worked late, they always left him behind, and he was always the first in the next day.

If he left at all.

A thought struck Kaliope. "Why doesn't he have an assistant?"

"The boss is a control freak. He has a department head for the Noccult division, but that's it. Inola smiled, tilting her head as she eyed Ronin and then Kaliope, who was clumsily shrugging into her coat. "He's also single. FYI."

"Tch. He's a workaholic. What else would he be?"

Despite her nonchalance, questions lingered about Ronin's intentions toward Inola. And what about the incident in the ward? Was it all in her mind? And her obsession with Ronin's scent. None of it made sense.

Kaliope grabbed her bag and turned away from Ronin. A weird sensation crept along her neck, and she peered over her shoulder. Frowned. He wasn't focused on them, buried in his work, but she could have sworn he'd been watching her.

Inola grabbed Kaliope's arm. "Have a drink with me?" Her eyes sparkled a jewel green.

"You're not up to mischief, are you?"

Inola feigned a scandalized look. "Would you deny me my nature?"

They were waiting for the elevator when the melodic voice of the PA announcer informed them, "Caution. Portal opening in three, two, one."

A flash of light and a ding later, the door swung open, and a man emerged wearing a black and white suit. Inola stiffened at Kaliope's side. His piercing gaze penetrated Kaliope's soul, leaving an unsettling feeling in its wake. A sense of danger emanated from him, like a wild animal ready to pounce at any moment. He inclined his head in greeting before he veered toward their office.

"Know him?"

Inola shoved Kaliope into the elevator. They didn't speak again until the door closed, and they started their descent.

"He's Matthias' assistant and bodyguard, Vincent." Inola's entire demeanor changed, her presence swelling to fill the space.

"You feel it too, don't you? Like Ronin's hiding something."

Inola looked up at her with the incredible gray eyes of her Northender heritage. "You're very intuitive." She blew at her bangs. "Matthias probably has him investigating the other members of the Assembly incognito."

"Shouldn't we—?"

"Matthias wouldn't want us involved."

Inola said 'us' as if it was a bad word.

"He'll want to play this one close to his chest."

"Election year?"

Inola smiled, but it didn't touch her eyes. "You pick up fast. Matthias will use Ronin the way he always does to further his agenda. And Andreas, too, no doubt. His two sons are in coveted positions of power in the Occult world. Matthias won't squander the opportunity."

Love and Other Crisis | Season 1Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz